“Lombardi?” I gasped. That was a name I had heard thrown around a lot and never in the context of anything good. No, whenever I’d heard someone speaking that name, it had been a whisper, something fearful and dangerous. It made sense that his brother would have wound up dead if he had been involved with someone like that. Shit, had he been part of the sex trafficking ring that I’d heard some stories about...?
“Yeah, I know,” Zane muttered. “I know the shit he was into. And trust me, I didn’t want him near any of it. If I could have found some way to get him out...” He trailed off. “He would never have left,” he admitted to himself. “He always wanted more. It would never have been enough for him, working for someone else. It would have felt like a step back. That was always his fucking problem. He was an addict, just like our parents, only his poison wasn’t booze, it was money. Power.”
The words came spilling from him faster than I could take them in. I wondered if he’d ever admitted this to himself before or if this was the first time he was contending with the enormity of everything he had just said out loud. But there it was, a glimpse of the man I had seen last night. Not a man who wanted revenge but this man who just needed to make sense of losing the last connection to his family he’d had, a man who couldn’t wrap his head around being so, so alone in the world and had come looking for me.
He tightened his grip on my hand slightly, rubbing his thumb against my knuckles. I didn’t let go of him. I could see some of the blood leaking through the towel I had wrapped around his arm, and I couldn’t stop staring at it, the sight of it a reminder of what he had done to keep me close, how he had fought to make sure I didn’t get away.
Even if he was keeping me from my chosen family in the process.
God, I was so confused. But at the same time, it all made perfect sense to me. I was here, with him, the two of us together, and that was all I needed to understand.
I pulled the towel away from his arm and dabbed at it again. The bleeding seemed to have eased a little, much to my relief. He didn’t seem to even register the pain, his hand still wrapped around the beer bottle, his eyes still fixed on me.
As I drew my hand away, he caught it again—and brought it to his lips. He pressed a kiss to the center of my palm, not breaking my gaze for a moment. The warmth of his breath on my skin, oh, it made my toes curl. It made it impossible for me to control myself, even though I knew I needed to.
I couldn’t deny how easy it was for him to seduce me with nothing more than a glance.
His lips grazed over my hand, and he brought my finger to his lips. Extending his tongue, he traced it along my fingerprint, as though tasting the very essence of me. I could hardly breathe, a moan of pleasure hitching in my throat as he slowly drew my index finger between his lips and traced his tongue around it, sending sparkling waves of want spiraling down between my legs to take control of me completely.
He drew his teeth across the sensitive pad of my finger, and I couldn’t hold back the groan this time, not even if I wanted to. I bit down on my lip, hating how obvious I was making my want for him but, at the same time, unable to deny it. He grinned as he moved his lips away from my hand, and I knew exactly what he was doing. I knew he was just trying to divert me from the serious conversation the two of us were having right now with nothing but the feel of his mouth on my skin. But it was working.
I pulled the beer from his hand and slid into his lap, wrapping my arms around him and sinking my lips against his.
He sank his teeth into my bottom lip softly, and a shudder of pain and pleasure coursed through my body helplessly. God, he knew exactly what he was doing to me, exactly how to touch me. I brushed my fingers along his jaw, feeling that dark stubble beneath my fingers, and he slid his hands to my waist, digging his fingers into me roughly. I knew he would leave marks, and I wanted him to. I wanted him to brand me as his. I wanted him to show me just how badly and completely he needed me.
Nothing else would come close to sating me.
Grabbing my hips, he moved me slightly so I was straddling him. I could already feel his hardness pressing against me through my jeans, no doubt a result of the adrenaline from the fight earlier.
The fight he’d gone through to keep me.
No man had ever gone so far to make sure I was theirs, and the thought sent another shockwave of want through me. I moaned against his mouth, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him against me tightly, needing to feel him, every part of him, in that moment, to show him that I desired him just the same way that he wanted me. He slid his hands up my back and into my hair, balling a fist in my short bob and tugging my head back so he could glide his teeth along my throat. It was almost a threat, a suggestion that he could sink them into me at any second. Maybe I wanted him to...
He pulled me down again so he could kiss me properly, his tongue soon in my mouth, dominant, controlling. I grabbed his face, kissing him back, needing him to know just how much I wanted this, too, just how badly my body ached for him, despite everything he had put me through, despite everything he had done to me. In that moment, he could have done anything he wanted to me, and I still would have given myself to him, my body taking control of all my better instincts and calling the shots, whether I liked it or not.
All at once, he pulled me from his lap and lay me down on the couch below him. I could feel the heat burning between our bodies, the pressure of his cock through his pants, and all I could do was moan as I stared back at him. He gazed at me for a moment, a grin spreading over his face, like his head was flooding with ideas of everything he wanted to do to me. I was completely at his mercy, and he knew it.
And I loved it.
Tugging my shirt off over my head, he started to strip me down slowly, taking his time, exposing every inch of me in turn, like he was unwrapping a gift he had waited all year for. Once he had pulled off my bra, he leaned down to take my nipples into his mouth, grazing his teeth along my swollen nipples one at a time. I couldn’t stop staring at him, taking him in, taking in the sight of him like this—this man who I wanted so badly that it was getting in the way of my better judgement, of everything I should have been focused on right now. If anyone in the Dogs knew what I was doing, they would have known I was crazy. Maybe I had lost my mind entirely.
He continued his journey down, brushing his lips across my lower belly and glancing up at me again. I lifted my hips, letting him know that he was more than welcome to continue with what he was doing. I could feel my pussy throbbing already, practically crying out for his touch, and I couldn’t focus on anything but how good I knew his mouth was going to feel against me for the first time.
Unzipping my pants, he slowly eased them down my thighs, groaning as the puff of pubic hair showed through my soft, white panties. He stared at me like he could hardly believe this was happening, like he could hardly believe he got to have me like this. No man had ever looked at me this way, as though I was a prize to be savored, and I knew I was already addicted to the way it made me feel, to be desired so completely.
Hooking his fingers around the hips of my panties, he tugged them down slowly, exposing me to him for the first time. Normally, I would have been self-conscious about a guy seeing me so vulnerable this way, but with him, I was so consumed by sheer lust, I couldn’t even let my mind go there. I was panting, belly rising and falling quickly, as he slid himself between my legs, grazing his lips tantalizingly along the crease of my thigh just to hear my helpless groan in reaction. I could feel him smiling against me, clearly enjoying how desperate I was for him.
Shifting, he hovered his mouth just an inch or two above my pussy, letting me feel the warmth of his breath against my lips. I was so wet, I could feel the slipperiness on my thighs, my clit pulsing with every breath I took as I willed him to give me what I so clearly needed right now.
And then, finally, he did. At last, he pressed his mouth to my pussy, his tongue finding my clit with ease, hands sliding beneath my thighs to hold me in place. As if I could have moved from him right now, as if I could have broken free for anything in this moment. He swirled his tongue around my clit, fingers digging into my thighs, pressing so tight into my skin I could see it indenting beneath his touch.
I gasped and tipped my head back on the couch, doing everything I could to catch my breath, but the pleasure was already starting to get the better of me. I could feel my orgasm stirring from some place deep inside of me, and I wanted nothing more than to just tip over into that pleasure that was tempting me.
He kissed my clit slowly, drawing it between his lips, teasing my sensitive nub with a near-infuriating softness. Oh, he knew just what he was doing to me, just how desperate I was for him. I whined and tried to push my hips back against his face, but he pulled back slightly, looking up at me, flashing me that cocky grin of his, reminding me, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was the one in control, and nothing was going to change that.
As soon as I settled back on to the couch and let him take control of me once more, he planted his mouth to my pussy and began to lap at my clit with more hunger than before. My thighs were twitching, my toes curling against the couch, the boiling pressure in my belly threatening to rise up and overtake me at any moment. I just couldn’t hold back...
And, when I stole a glance down at him, that was what tipped me over the edge. The sight of him between my legs, this man, this dangerous, terrifying man who had fought to keep me this close to him, that was when my orgasm consumed me. I squeezed my thighs around his head, crying out, the sound filling the air around us. I didn’t care who heard, even though I knew that we weren’t in that abandoned apartment building anymore. This place was likely filled with neighbors, people who could hear me coming with his face between my thighs, but in that moment, it was hard to care.