But even as I said the words, I knew it was a lie. The light was fading from Matt’s eyes, his grip on my hand weakening. “It’s okay,” he whispered, a faint smile ghosting over his lips. “It’s been an honor serving with you, Ramirez. Give ‘em hell for me.”

Then he was gone, his body going slack in my arms.

A ragged sob tore from my throat, grief, and rage threatening to consume me. I gently closed Matt’s eyes, my hand trembling as I smoothed back his hair.

As I knelt there, swallowed by sorrow, a cold, hard circle of steel pressed against the nape of my neck. “Freeze,” a voice, deep and authoritative, commanded. “Lose the gun. Hands in the air.”

My pulse spiked, adrenaline flooding my veins as I carefully placed my weapon on the ground and lifted my hands skyward. My assailant came into view as he moved in front of me—a towering figure with an athlete’s grace, his hair a dark shade of blonde, and eyes of piercing blue that seemed to strip me bare. I knew him. Dante Reyes, the cartel’s golden boy.

Dante took a moment to survey me, his eyes roaming over my tactical gear and the shield lying forgotten beside me. “A woman,” he remarked, the faintest note of surprise lacing his tone. “Didn’t peg the DEA for sending a lady to a suicide raid.”

The threat hanging in the air should’ve iced my veins, but his voice—a sultry, honeyed melody—sent an unwelcome surge of heat through me. I silently chastised myself, corralling my thoughts back to the difficult reality of the moment.

“Well?” I challenged, my voice a mask of calm over the tremor of adrenaline. “What’s stopping you? Do it. Kill me.”

A smirk played on Dante’s lips, his eyes alight with mischief. “Kill you?” he repeated, the idea seemingly unthinkable to him. “Where’s the fun in that?”

He leaned in, his breath a searing whisper against my skin. “I’ve got a better idea. I’ll let you walk away. Consider it a nod to your... dedication.”

Before I could respond, the sound of approaching sirens pierced the air, signaling backup and first responders. Dante’s eyes flicked toward the entrance, and he stepped back.

“It appears our time is up,” he said, his voice low. “But, Agent... this is not over. Not by a long shot.”

And with that, he turned and disappeared into the smoke and chaos, leaving me alone with my swirling thoughts and a burning desire for answers.

I swallowed hard, my brain churning as I tried to make sense of the night’s events. My personal life was in shambles, my partner was dead, and now I had a cartel kingpin playing mind games with me. I felt a stream of frustration and a deep-seated need for revenge.

I took a steadying breath, my fingers tightening around my gun. Whatever Dante Reyes was insinuating, I would get to the bottom of whatever was going on. I owed it to Matt, and I owed it to myself.



I marched down the gilded corridors of our palatial family mansion, my gut tying itself in knots. The closer I got to the old man’s study, the more last night’s shitshow pushed to the front of my mind, demanding attention.

What was supposed to be a routine drug delivery at the warehouse had turned into a disaster. One minute, we were prepping for a massive shipment; the next, all hell broke loose. The DEA hit us hard, their tactical teams breaching the building with a ferocity I hadn’t seen in a long time.

Gunfire erupted, chaos took over. Our men rallied, fighting back with everything they had. Amid the commotion, I spotted her—the female agent—moving to her partner’s side with lethal grace. He’d been shot, already gone by the time I’d sneaked up behind her. Our eyes locked for a split second, and something stirred deep within me, a primal curiosity I couldn’t quite place.

I could have ended her life right then. But instead of pulling the trigger, I let her live—a decision that both intrigued and unsettled me. My father would likely give me hell for it if he knew.

Breathing heavily, I pushed open the doors and stepped inside.

“Ah, Dante,” my father’s voice boomed, surprisingly jovial. “Come in.”

Ricardo Reyes cut an imposing figure, even when seated behind his massive desk. His broad shoulders filled out the expensive suit he wore, and his salt-and-pepper hair was slicked back in a manner that exuded power and authority.

“You wanted to see me, Father?” I asked, my voice even despite the unease that churned within me.

“Indeed, my son.” He gestured for me to take a seat, his piercing gaze never wavering. “I trust you’ve recovered from last night’s... unpleasantness.”

I bristled at the memory, my jaw clenching involuntarily. “The DEA caught us off guard. It won’t happen again.”

Amusement danced across my father’s features. “Oh, but it’s not a problem, Dante.”

My brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Ricardo leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers as a sly grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Let’s just say I had a hunch and made the arrangements. Made sure the product was safely stored elsewhere.”