With a wink and a laugh, I headed for the door, leaving Sofia to her devices. As I stepped outside into the hot evening, I loosened my tie and inhaled deeply, savoring the brief respite from the heavy burden of my responsibilities.
I made my way across the expansive grounds to the garage, where my pride and joy awaited—a sleek, gunmetal gray Maserati Quattroporte. The purr of the powerful engine roared to life as I slid behind the wheel. Something about the thrill of speed never failed to invigorate me.
As I peeled out of the driveway, I felt some tension from my meeting with my father dissipate. The city blurred past my window, a kaleidoscope of color and sound, and for a fleeting moment, I allowed myself to get lost in the rush of adrenaline.
But the reprieve was short-lived. As I merged onto the highway, my mind drifted back to the previous night’s events and the chaos that had unfolded at the warehouse. The female agent’s eyes, their defiance smoldering even as my gun loomed before her, scorched a permanent place in my mind.
I felt that there was more to her than met the eye. Something about her had sparked a curiosity, a desire to unravel the mystery behind those piercing eyes.
Shaking my head, I pushed the thought aside. Now was not the time for such distractions. I had a club to run, and with my father’s latest machinations, the stakes were higher than ever.
Reaching into my jacket pocket, I pulled out my phone and hit the speed dial for Marco. After a couple of rings, his gruff voice crackled through the speakers.
“Yo, what’s up, man?”
“Marco, it’s me,” I said, my tone all business. “I need you to meet me at the club. We’ve got shit to discuss.”
There was a brief pause before he responded. “Roger that. I’ll be there in twenty.”
I ended the call and tossed my phone onto the passenger seat, my knuckles tightening around the steering wheel. Marco had been my right-hand man for as long as I could remember, the closest thing I had to a brother outside my blood family. If anyone could help me figure out the next step, it was him.
The solemn notes of Taps hung in the humid Miami air, a final salute to my fallen partner. I stood rigid beside Valentina, watching as the honor guard meticulously folded the crisp American flag that had draped over Matt’s casket.
My chest felt like a hollowed-out cavity, raw and gaping, as they presented the tri-cornered emblem to Matt’s mother, Barbara. She accepted it with trembling hands, her face a mask of quiet anguish. Guilt consumed me, intertwined with the scorching acknowledgment of my shortcomings. I should have been there for him; I should have taken that bullet instead.
Val must have sensed the torrent of emotions raging within me because she slipped her hand into mine and squeezed tight—a silent gesture of support that grounded me, if only for a fleeting second.
When Barbara stepped up to the podium, I steeled myself, swallowing hard against the lump in my throat. Her eyes were rimmed red from crying, but her voice sounded clear and strong.
“My son was a hero,” she began, her gaze sweeping across the sea of sad faces. “He lived to protect and serve, to make this world a little safer for all of us. And in the end, he made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life in pursuit of justice.”
A strangled sob escaped my lips, and I clamped my jaw shut, determined not to break down completely. Not here, not in front of everyone. Barbara’s eyes found mine in the crowd, and the faintest of smiles ghosted across her lips.
“Matt loved being a DEA agent,” she continued, her words quivering with the intensity of her feelings. “And he loved his partner, Natalia. She was like family to him, and I know he thought the world of her.”
My vision blurred with tears as Barbara’s words washed over me. Matt had been more than just my partner; he’d been my brother-in-arms. We’d had each other’s backs through thick and thin, and now Matt was gone, leaving a gaping hole in my life that could never be filled.
When the service concluded, I drifted through the crowd of mourners like a ghost, accepting condolences with numb nods and vacant stares. That’s when I spotted Chief Reynolds standing off to the side, conversing with a cluster of high-ranking officials.
A sudden surge of determination flared within me, and before I could think, I strode towards him.
“Chief,” I said. “I want in. I want to go undercover and take down the Reyes cartel. For Matt.”
Reynolds’s eyes widened, and he glanced around quickly to ensure no one had overheard. “Agent Ramirez, this isn’t the time or place?—”
“I don’t give a fuck,” I hissed, stepping closer. “The Reyes Cartel killed my partner, and I’ll be damned if I let them get away with it.”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “My office. One hour,” he muttered through clenched teeth. “We’ll discuss this properly then.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but he’d already turned his back on me, dismissing me. A muscle twitched in my jaw as I fought the urge to argue with him right then and there.
A gentle hand on my arm made me cringe, and I whirled around to find Agent Morrow eyeing me with a blend of concern and curiosity.
“Everything okay, Ramirez?” he asked, his voice a soft murmur.