“I know, Kat,” I say, harsher than I intended. But I can’t have her going on and on about hot, passionate sex at this moment. My self-control is almost nonexistent as it is, and I must stop her before she says something that will push me over the edge.
“Well, excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but it didn’t seem like you were keeping that in mind a moment ago. You know, when you were staring at my mouth and leaning over me as I lay here, chained to your freaking bed.”
“First of all, this isn’t my bed. It’s a bed I own, yes, but it isn’t really my bed?—”
She interrupts me. “Are you seriously going to argue semantics with me right now?”
“Second of all,” I say as if she hasn’t uttered a word, “if you don’t want me coming on to you, how about you stop leading me on?”
“Leading you on?” she says, sputtering. “I did no such thing. I’ll have you know I would never. Ever. And I didn’t. And I won’t—ever.”
“You were making eyes at me, scooting closer to me, and sighing while longingly gazing at my mouth.”
“You have a very vivid imagination, Nik. Not very gangster of you, I’ll say.”
I shoot her a pointed look, debating showing her how gangster I feel right now.
Ultimately, I decide against it. It would be unwise to do so. I need to be on her good side—so she will help me nail the bastard who killed Maxim. Not because I want her to like me and ask me to fuck her.
“This argument is pointless,” I say, instead. “How about this? I’ll make you a promise. If you can keep your hands to yourself, I’ll do the same.” Inwardly, I hope this is a promise I can actually keep.
“Deal,” she says, too quickly for my liking.
“It won’t be a problem.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“Wonderful. How about you freaking unchain me now? I’d like to go home.” Kat regally crosses her arms while staring me down.
It’s an impressive feat, considering that, standing next to the bed she is lying on, I tower over her.
I sigh. “First of all, stop being so dramatic. You’re not chained to anything. You’re making it sound like this is a fucking medieval dungeon. You’re restrained by very soft cuffs in a very safe, very comfortable penthouse.”
Kat scoffs. “Excuse me if I’m not particularly pleased with the luxurious cage I’m locked in.”
“Also, I’ll release you so you can move around freely, but you’re not leaving this place.”
“As long as we are in business together, you’ll be staying here with me.”
She stares at me, seemingly at a loss for words. I expect her to scream at me in outrage, but, to my surprise, after blinking a few times, she speaks to me in a calm, measured tone. “You’re delusional.”
“Hardly. You, on the other hand, might very well be. You seem to have forgotten the delicate situation you are in and why you’re even here. Maybe you’re the one struggling to keep things professional. We may have fucked, Kat, but this is strictly business now. Please tell me you don’t expect me to go easy on you because of our history.”
The look Kat gives me tells me she believes it is beneath her to even acknowledge my accusation. “You may have leverage over me, Nikolai, but you don’t own me.”
“I thought you said you didn’t want to argue semantics, Kat,” I say, throwing her words from earlier back at her.
If looks could kill, I would be dead right now. Unfortunately for the little thief, I will live to fight her another day. Regardless, I know I’ve made my point; more importantly, so does she.
I’m not stupid enough to think I actually own her, of course. That would be a fatal mistake—one I’m sure she would make me pay for dearly. But I have enough leverage over her to get away with making certain demands—at least as of right now.
“I’ve agreed to work with you, Nikolai. You have enough dirt on me to enforce it, and the means to chase me through the gates of hell if I’m dumb enough to go AWOL on you. Why the hell do you need me to stay in your home?”
Because I don’t trust her. If I let Kat out of my sight, she might very well plot a way to escape me. I can’t have her going back on her word to help me. I need to keep my eyes on her to make sure she isn’t up to any shenanigans in my absence.