I even took care to account for the worst-case scenario of my untimely demise. If the man were to order my execution, then I’d have a plan in place to make sure he would be implicated in my assassination.
One way or the other, he was going down. I was just hoping it would be sooner rather than later and that A.J. and I would live long enough to see it come to fruition.
Now, with Nikolai, I feel truly at a loss. I hate even thinking about it, but I fear I might be as close to being helpless as I was back in my teenage years.
Still, I know I retain some of my power. I’ll never be entirely helpless as long as I have ways to improve my circumstances and save myself. I know I have options. Unfortunately, not many, and not particularly good ones, either. But it’s something.
Ultimately, that’s what leads me to entertain this proposal of his—that I should help him catch the culprit behind his friend’s mysterious murder.
Turning to face me from across the large room by the expansive windows, he decrees, “You are going to help me catch Maxim’s murderer.”
Normally, I would have laughed at any man who presumed to tell me what to do. But even I know that would be unwise right now. Men like Nikolai—if one can even say there are men like Nikolai—are not used to being laughed at. They are also not likely to appreciate it, and I realize that not antagonizing him can only improve my situation, giving me more power.
Besides, my current options are slim. I’m a practical woman. If Nikolai feels inclined to offer me an acceptable arrangement that will eventually lead to my debt to him being repaid, then I will gladly take it. It certainly isn’t anything I’m not used to, and it most definitely beats being tortured or killed. I’ll be glad if he doesn’t choose to make an example out of me as a warning to anyone who dares to even think of crossing him.
So, instead of ridiculing him for having the nerve to issue me a command, I say, “What’s in it for me?”
Nikolai shoots me a disbelieving look.
“For starters, I would let you remain in the world of the living. I might even be persuaded not to punish you too much. I’d hate to mark that beautiful skin of yours if I don’t have to,” he says in a measured tone, his gaze slowly roaming over my body. The knowing look in his eyes tells me he remembers every inch of me, making me feel almost naked, even while fully covered by his Egyptian cotton bed linen.
“You wouldn’t punish me too much? Does that mean you would still punish me?”
I pull the sheets up to my chin, and his expression becomes amused.
“Well, you can’t expect me to let you get away with the stunt you pulled on me completely unscathed. I have a reputation to protect, you know. At the very least, I owe you a good spanking. I don’t know that I would call it a punishment. I have a feeling you would enjoy it.”
God help me. I do, too. The mere mental image of Nikolai bending me over his knee and slapping my bare ass with his large, callused palm makes me start to grow wet.
I must remain in charge of myself. I can’t let my emotions take control of me. My survival depends on my ability to stay focused.
“I thought you said this arrangement of yours wasn’t of that kind, Nikolai. Sex is not on the table.”
“Agreed,” he says, too quickly for my taste. It’s one thing for me to tell him sex is a no-go, but for him to so easily turn it down? I don’t like that one bit. “We’ll keep it strictly professional. It’s better off this way.”
I force myself to concentrate on the important stuff—like hashing out the details of our agreement—instead of licking the wounds to my ego.
“Glad we are on the same page,” I say in my best aloof tone. “Just to be clear—do you give me your word that if I help you hunt down whoever is behind your friend’s death, you will forget this whole thing with the diamond ever happened and let me go? No other repercussions or retributions.”
“Forget is a strong word, Kat. And I’m not quite ready to accept that the Flame is truly out of reach forever, as you claim to believe. But I do agree with everything else you said in general terms. If you earnestly assist me to the best of your abilities, I’ll forgive you for the theft.”
“Very well. That’s good enough for now, I guess. I have one more question, though. How the hell am I supposed to help you catch a murderer?”
“We can discuss the details later once you’ve given me your word that you’ll work for me. For now, all I’ll say is that I know who is behind Maxim’s death. Unfortunately, I can’t just accuse this man without some pretty damning evidence. Not without risking a truly regrettable amount of even more death and bloodshed, at least.”
“I don’t suppose you would tell me who this suspect of yours is? I can’t imagine there are many men who would cause you to hesitate before striking. No offense, but from what I’ve heard about you and what I’ve experienced firsthand, you seem to be the kind of guy who will shoot first and ask questions later.”
He grins.
“In due time, I’ll fill you in. All you need to know right now is that I’m hoping you will be able to go certain places and ask certain questions that I can’t. You are charming and famously good at what you do. Doors will open to you.”
I roll my eyes. “Be still, my heart.”
Nik smiles again, all charm.
“It makes you the perfect woman for the job.”
“Lucky me,” I say sarcastically. “And lucky you, I guess, that the ‘perfect woman for the job’ happened to be someone you could bully into doing your bidding.”