“But now you’re okay with… everything.” It was a stupid as fuck question to ask and he knew it as soon as he said it, but he needed to know. Needed to know if she could move past this.

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say I’m over the moon about you fucking our babysitter behind my back…” She let the words hang there for a moment, and time seemed to hold its breath before she met his eyes once again. “But then again, I’m not exactly in any position to judge, am I? We weren’t exactly playing truth or dare and having a pillow fight when you burst in, now, we’re we?”

And just like that, all the tension had suddenly vanished as she smiled up at him.

Despite himself, Richard couldn’t help but grin back at her. “No, I guess not.”

She nodded. “So, it’s agreed then. Next time, we discuss things first, then we fuck them.”

Her husky promise turned his cock to stone. “Next time?”

“Well, you enjoyed tonight, didn’t you?” she asked, climbing atop his waist so the stiff, and still a little sore, head of his cock was notched against her folds. “No one said it has to stop. Where’s the fun in having a bi-sexual wife if you can’t experiment a bit?”

“Bi, huh? When did that start?” he arched his brow as his hands brushed down her spine to cup her buttocks, loving the feel of their firmness filling his hands. His wife really had the greatest ass, and though they’d never discussed doing anal, he couldn’t help wondering if she’d be interested.

“It’s new…” she purred, giving a slow roll of her hips that coated him in her quickening cream and teased her clit. “Something I’m thinking about trying. Care to help?”

“Sure, where’s the harm in a bit of experimentation…” His hands squeezed her arse suggestively, grinding her harder against his shaft, one finger reaching out, wetting itself in her juices then teasing across her puckered anus, pressing just hard enough to make her gasp.

“Oh! You naughty boy! I’ll remember you said that…” she teased while pushing back just enough to feel herself opening beneath the tip, but just the tip. “Maybe we should bring a boy to bed next time. I could suck all his cum out while you fuck me. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

“Cheeky,” he groaned and, pulling back, gave her ass a swat that had her gasping with a mix of surprise and pleasure. “I think I better give you a spanking for that one.”

Alice’s eyes lit up at the prospect. “Oh, please do-”

“Ummm… Mr & Mrs Martin?” A small voice cut in.

Stilling, they turned to see Rebecca staring back at them from her side of the pillow.

Alice smiled and reached out to stroke her check. “I think you can call us Richard and Alice now, honey.”

However, the girl edged away from the touch, her big doe eyes glassy and lip quivering. “Sorry, it’s just… Well, I’m sorry I’ve caused you both so much trouble. You’ve both been so kind to me, and I... well… Maybe I should go…” With crystal tears rolling down her cheeks, she threw back the sheets and jumped off the bed, the pale skin of her naked body almost seeming to glow in the low light.

Quick as a snake, Richard’s hand shot to catch her arm and pulled the sobbing girl back down to the bed. “Hey, hey… shhh… it’s alright…. You’ve never been any trouble for us.”

“Yeah, it’s all alright,” soothed Alice, wrapping her arms around the girl and pulling her into a hug. “You’re safe with us, besides I said you could stay with us while you figure out what you want to do, and so stay with us you shall.”

Slowly, Rebecca raised her head to look at the couple, her eyes uncertain, as if she was too afraid to believe them. “Really… you don’t mind… even after I…”

“Fucked my husband?” Alice shot her husband a sideways look, her tongue sweeping across her lips. “No, I rather enjoyed watching it, if I’m honest.” Bending down, she kissed her tears away. “I don’t mind sharing him with you, though I’m not sure I’m ready to share you with him yet. Maybe you should convince me…” She kissed her deeply, licking into her mouth, mimicking the same motions she’d used on her pussy until the girl softened and moaned beneath her. “The night is still young, and I think it’s time I introduce you to a very special friend of mine.” She rolled away, onto the other side of the bed, and opened her bedside table drawer. Seeing what she wanted, she grabbed it and rolled back to face the pair with a grin that was pure wickedness.

In her hand, she grasped a XL magic wand rechargeable vibrator.

“This is Antonio.”

Amanda Burton sighed happily as she pulled her sleek Jaguar XK convertible into her driveway. Nothing beat a drive with the top down after a long day showing potential buyers all around the west country to look at houses. Even the inevitable paperwork that followed was remedied by a sunset drive. Now all she needed was a glass of wine or two, a long soak in a hot tub, and she’d kick off the weekend with a few rounds of much-needed sex with her husband.

The air was heavy with a perfume of wildflowers and far to the west, the sun had slipped behind the rolling green horizon, turning from blue to a deep lavender before the oncoming wall of night. Killing the engine, she stepped out of the vehicle. Not bothering to put the XK’s roof back up or collect her briefcase from the boot, she walked up the path to her home whilst fishing in her pocket for her keys.

The door slid inwards as she brought her key up to the lock.

Strange. Stepping back, Amanda looked up. All the lights were off. A quick glance around confirmed hers was the only car in the drive. She shrugged it off. The girls must have forgotten to lock up on their way out. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time her daughter, Camila, or one of her friends had left the door ajar. Amanda was just glad they’d moved down to Ashcott when they did. God only knows what might have happened if they still lived at the old house in Hereford.

Say what you want about remote villages in the middle of nowhere. They certainly had a much lower crime rate than cities and towns. And the commute had its perks.

Shutting the door firmly and securely behind her, Amanda shrugged off her jacket.

She froze, ears pricked and searching. She could hear something, faint and indistinct, like a voice lost in the wind.