Ever since he’d first come into her life, from the very moment she first laid eyes on him, he’d been a distraction. Her distraction.

She’d tried telling herself it was just a crush, that she’d grow out of it, but it did no good. Terry was her addiction, and the more he came into her world, the more she longed for him. By the time she learned the true depth of her feelings for him, however, it was too late.

Terry had fallen in love.

Fallen in love with Elsa, a business management student who, like them, was also minoring in English Lit and had happened to of chose the seat next to Terry’s. A random act of chance that had turned Faye’s world upside down and inside out. Now he belonged to her. Now, he was forbidden fruit, and that was always the sweetest.

It just wasn’t fair. That bitch doesn’t deserve him!

These were dangerous thoughts, but she couldn’t help it. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Elsa. In fact, if they’d met under any other circumstances, she was sure they could have been the very best of friends. It was just-

“Faye? Are you sure you’re alright?” Terry was openly watching her, his eyes furrowed with concern, making her realise she’d been caught staring again. “Do you want me to get you a glass of water or something?”

Or something, definitely. “No… I’m fine.” Yet opportunity had knocked and in what she hoped was a casual manner, she swept a hand across her forehead, brushing her fringe from her eyes before blowing an overly exaggerated breath and saying “but could we please stop for a few minutes and take a break? This room’s just way too small for the both of us to be cooped inside all night.”

For a moment, she feared Terry might protest further, but then he seemed to have second thoughts and gave in.

“Alright Faye, you win.” He gave a defeated shrug, causing her to all but squeal with delight as she jumped out of her chair. However, Terry moved with a measured slowness and though he too was secretly glad for the reprieve, he did his best not to appear too eager before joining her at the door.

Like a good host, Faye escorted Terry down the winding stairs that led into the modest communal living room. A stark but comfortable room. It was loosely furnished with a coffee table, bookcase, sofas and a T.V..

“Just make yourself at home,” she said, gesturing lazily towards one sofa before reclining back on its sister on the opposite side of the table. Grabbing the remote off the coffee table, she turned on the television and began to avidly flick through the channels. She might as well enjoy the moment. It was a rare thing for her to have control of the telly. Her housemates all had their own specific shows they just couldn’t miss, but they were all out, celebrating the dawn of a new year and wouldn’t be back until morning…

Not sure of what else to do, Terry followed her instructions and sat down stiffly on the edge of the seat. Faye had a point. That room was too bloody small.

However, there was nothing on T.V. that interested him.

Despite all of his convictions, he couldn’t help watching the vision of loveliness across from him.

Still flicking through the channels, Faye had adopted a less than ladylike pose, with one of her exquisitely long legs dangling over the sofa’s arm while the other stretched across the table. It was entirely innocent of course yet dressed as she was in that all too short white skirt, he couldn’t help letting his eyes glide over her perfect milky skin, greedily admiring her smooth waist and voluptuous curves before noticing the way her head was tilted back to expose her long neck. Why does she always have to be so beautiful?

And he couldn’t help himself. In his mind’s eye, he watched that long neck arching, those full lips panting out hot moans as he climbed onto the sofa and ravaged her, her enticing form squirming and writhing beneath him. The idea was as delicious as it was inappropriate, and he knew he would have taken her right there if he only had the balls to risk ruining their friendship.

Ruining their friendship and having his said bollocks clipped.

Fuck, what’s wrong with me? He loved Elsa, didn’t he? He certainly thought he did. She was kind, intelligent and when they were together, it was like every day couldn’t be more perfect. So why was he still thinking about Faye that way?

It was wrong, immoral even. She was his best friend, but he just couldn’t help himself.

Suddenly, he felt very warm and was all too aware of how tight his trousers were becoming. Yet, before he could stop himself, his eyes moved up to Faye’s breasts. Her white cotton cardigan stretched across her bosom and left nothing to the imagination. Captivated, he never noticed Faye watching him out of the corner of her eyes.

She gave an exaggerated cough that had Terry quickly coming back to his senses and looking away as Faye slid those long legs off the furniture before pushing up and walking slowly around his sofa. Being as quiet as a mouse, she leant over the back and stared down at the man beneath her, causing his dark eyes to snap upward.

Almost nose to nose with her, Terry swallowed. He was acutely aware of her closeness and when she shifted, eyes twinkling with mischief, he was presented with a close-up view of her plunging neckline.

Mouth dry and cock harder than steel, he had to fight the sudden urge to reach up and touch her before forcing himself to meet her eyes.

“Break over? That was fast…”

Scarcely able to keep her smirk at bay, Faye nodded before turning to walk up the stairs, fully aware that his eyes were on her.

Terry couldn’t tear his eyes away. He watched her like a hawk, noticing every curve and shake of her delectable rump while his feet carried him up the stairs of their own accord. He wanted to touch her, to feel the heat of her skin and the curve of her arse, to taste the sweetness of her flavour as he devoured her before he bent her over and buried himself in that inviting rump. It took all his fortitude to look away before they entered her room.

Silently, he begged all the world’s deities for every book ever printed to spontaneously burst into flames.

It didn’t matter that the thought bordered National Socialism, just so long as he could get the hell out of there before he jumped on Faye, ravaged her, shagged her, or just made a complete and utter arse of himself.

His pleas fell on deaf ears.