“Fuck… your pussy’s getting tighter,” Danny growled, the deep resonance of his voice sending hot shivers down her spine. It was then she noticed his handsome face tilted towards her, his jaw tight and those piercing blue eyes dark with lust, watching her with a smouldering intensity that had her stomach winding into tight knots. “And that expression is so sexy. Do you really love taking two cocks at once so much?” He was emphasising each word with a hard thrust, his pelvic bone teasing her clit. “Why don’t you tell us which you like best, Mina? What’s better, my dick in your pussy or your brother’s in that tight little asshole?”

“Urgh… I ca-can’t decide… they both feel so good! Oh Fuck- oh fuck- oh fuck… I’m so- so full- oh fuck- fuck!” Deep down, she knew the question should have repulsed her, yet his words were so coarse and dirty, it only excited her further. “Oh, boys… oh, boys… oh- oh you’re such bad, dirty boys… oh- my- God… I love it… fuck me harder… yes… yes…”

She was a vision of passion, rocking and bouncing and grinding between them, perky breasts jiggling, her features contorted with unearthly pleasure, and urging them on amidst ragged breaths. Her orgasm built like a great black storm upon the horizon.

This wasn’t like it had been with Sean and his little friends. That had been so different, so violent and primitive, with them using her as a piece of meat, a tool for their own gratification. None of it could have prepared her for this, carnal instinct coursing through her veins. The intensity, the friction, the fullness, the sheer… feeling of it all, nothing was as it should be. She was just so sensitive, every feeling felt amplified and enhanced, pushing her towards the highest pinnacle of pleasure as heat- glorious, orgasmic fire- reached out from her core, spreading through every fibre of her being to consume her. Body and soul. Goddamn, it was too good.

“Oh fuck, Mina… your ass is amazing!” Mark groaned into her ear. His breath washed over the back of her neck and sent hot shivers down her spine. “It’s so tight and slippery and- fuck- squeezing my dick so tightly… ugh… God, this is the greatest birthday present ever!”

Somewhere in the dark forgotten recesses of her brain, Mina registered Danny growling something in response, but she couldn’t make sense of his words through the sudden fog of pleasure blanketing her thoughts. A sparkle caught her eye, a twinkle of starlight falling though the heavens. Peering through the haze, she discerned a bead of sweat trickling down his neck, leaving a glistening trail down his stretched skin. Entranced, she leant forward to scoop up the bead of perspiration before dragging her tongue back up his slick skin, delighting in the salty flavour. A low growl emanated from Daniel, before she took the lobe of his ear between her teeth. She suckled it wantonly, her every thought focused on teasing the fleshy nub until an anonymous hand suddenly slapped her stretched backside and the shock of the sting had her release the lobe in a surprised gasp, her head rolling back onto Mark’s shoulder. Not missing a beat, her stepbrother claimed her mouth in a hungry kiss, his silky tongue sweeping past her bruised and swollen lips to pillage hers, while another set of lips suddenly enveloped her right breast, sucking greedily and sending electricity zipping through her bosom.

Relishing their touch, her back curled, arching into Daniel’s mouth as his tongue circled her pebbled nipple, offering herself to him while slipping one of her hands from his shoulder and dragging her manicured nails down his broad torso before coiling the limb back around Mark’s neck. Drunk on the hot, tingling sensations that were coursing through her body, she kissed him back with equal hunger, teeth gnashing and tongues duelling, nearly devouring him with her need. Her senses were ablaze and her whole world suddenly shrank down to just the feeling of the fierce fires raging in her core, the silky tongue circling and lashing her oversensitive bud, and the shafts sliding back and forth, impaling her, pounding her, fucking her. Oh, God, she was so close, she felt like she was about to burst. This wasn’t sex. She was sex. She was sex embodied and personified, from the molten fires raging in her core to the desperate need pulsing through her clit and the tingling in her fingertips. She was Aphrodite. She was Isis. She was Venus. She was the goddess and the moon and the stars above.

Yes! I’m a slut, and God save me, I love it! I fucking love it! I-I…

“Urgh…” Mina gasped, dragging her mouth from Mark’s, before she threw her head back and a desperate, primitive sound burst from her lips as the sudden epiphany sent the tight knot of fiery tension at her centre supernova.

In that moment, time seemed to hold its breath and she had a sudden inexplicable sense of rising before the calm abruptly descended upon her. Frozen in a state of limbo, with all perceptions of time forgotten, her heartbeat roaring in her ears and her body vibrating with a subtle, inexpressible tension, she hung upon that precipice for what seemed an eternity before finally plummeting back down to earth, her climax surging over her with raging intensity. Eyes rolling, muscles clenching, she desperately tried to give voice to her pleasure, but the words stuck in her throat and all that escaped was a strangled gasp before she began to tremble and writhe uncontrollably in her lovers’ arms, the waves of pleasure ripping through her, sweeping her away on a tide of euphoria.

Daniel and Mark weren’t done with her, however, and beneath the storm of fire and ecstasy Mina could feel them quickening inside her, their synchronised rhythm coming undone as her inner walls convulsed around them, becoming rougher, wilder and more erratic, then falling apart completely.

Mark was the first to break.

“Oh fuck, Mina, It’s so hot watching you cu- fuck- fuck…” he grunted, the moist warmth of his breath spilling over the sensitive spot that joined her neck and shoulder in short, quick gasps. His mouth attacked the side of her neck, the wetness of his tongue swirling over her sweet spots in a way he knew drove her wild. He was close, the rational, almost dormant part of her mind warned, and true to her prediction, moments later his thrusts began hastening with the urgency of his nearing release.

Her stepbrother held nothing back, driving into her with a quick, furious tempo that made her arse feel electrified and had her rebounding against Daniel’s motions in the perfect angle for his pelvis to continue rubbing against her throbbing clit, the repeating friction causing sunspots to flicker before her eyes.

Yet Daniel only groaned at the feeling of her muscles clenching around him, the low sound reverberating through her bosom while his tongue flittered over her painfully stiff nipple. His strokes were growing ever more intense and purposeful, making her feel every inch, ridge and, vein of the magnificent cock ramming into her, the mushroom-shaped head striking her deepest, sweetest spots with each plunge, birthing writhing tongues of white fire that surged through her pulsing core to the tips of her fingers and toes.

They were relentless, never slowing, their powerful hands squeezing the firm mounds of her arse with bruising intensity, supporting her and manipulating her, fucking her, pushing her on, dragging her orgasm out longer and longer and making her tingle from head to toe. They moved as one but at the same time with complete indifference to each other, together but also separate, one fucking her with wild abandon, the other playing her body with all the precision and skill of a London orchestra. Losing all control, she could do nought but cling to them for dear life, utterly at their mercy, their low moans filling her ears and the musky aroma of sex infesting every breath. The waves grew and lengthened, sweeping over her with greater and greater force until she could no longer tell where one ended and the next began.

“…Fucking dicks… oh yeah… give them to me… yes… yes- yes- ah- ah- ah!” The words burst from her in a ragged cry as she tried to snatch life-preserving breaths amidst a crescendo of sobbing cries, the world spinning around their tangled bodies. Even before the waves had passed, her body was mounting the crest of another climax, the fires sweeping through her... No, she had to stop, needed to catch her breath, she couldn’t take it, it was too good, too…

Hot. I’m so… so hot… my pussy… my ass… they’re melting… Oh God… no! It’s too much… I’m going crazy… I’m going… I’m going…”

Unable to stay in sync, they rammed into her with unbridled vigour, their hips slapping wetly against her skin as her nectar ran down her thighs in rivulets, each powerful thrust driving her against the next, so deep she could almost feel their cocks meeting in her stomach. Then, seemingly by chance, they both slammed into her at once and that sudden sweet shock of incredible fullness cast her spirit from her body, from the mass of tangled flesh, through the roof, into the night sky above, soaring through the heavens until, finally, darkness enveloped her.

Somewhere a phone was ringing.

It sounded far away, yet too near for her to ignore, like a subtle voice in the wind, whispering to her through the thick morning fog and dragging her from the warm cocoon that enveloped her.

Half asleep and reluctant to lose the welcoming comfort of sleep’s embrace, she rolled over and buried her face in her pillow, stubbornly trying to block out the interruption before groaning a low, mournful sound, surrendering to the inevitable. With her eyes still shut and the phone’s shrill ringing echoing in her ears, though sounding distinctly closer now, she sat up, causing the duvet covering her to cascade down her front, revealing her creamy skin and pert breasts. Stretching her arms out above her head, her muscles stiff from her long slumber, she then rubbed the sleep from her eyes with the base of her palm before opening them enough to discern the first grey light of dawn filtering into the room, shrouding it in gloom. Blurry-eyed, she had to blink thrice before the world slipped into focus.

Mina didn’t remember falling asleep. She felt exhausted, drained, and so very weary. Her eyes were heavy and her throat parched with a salty, bitter flavour souring the back of her mouth. Oddly, there was also a dull, but oddly satisfying soreness throbbing in her lower abdomen. What recollections she had were like the memories of a dream she had just awoken from but already forgotten, a dream of tangled, naked bodies writhing in passion.

She’d expected to awake in her bright cavernous bedroom, snuggled in her goose feather bed and luxurious Egyptian cotton duvet, but the weak morning light revealed a small cluttered chamber with poster-adorned pale grey-blue walls. The air was heavy with a stale musky odour and wherever she looked there was rumpled clothing scattered across the dark charcoal carpet.

Mark’s bedroom!

Icy realisation dawned. Throwing off the sheets and scrambling out of bed, she bolted across the room, her long legs wobbling dangerously with every step, before diving for her jacket amidst the scattered garments. Fishing through the pockets, taunted by the repeating buzz of the vibrate alarm, she finally managed to withdraw the phone only to catch a momentary glimpse of Jason’s photo on the caller ID before it died in her hand.

Cursing under her breath, she activated the screen. Sure enough, there were at least half a dozen missed calls from Jason, as well as twice that many texts and two, no doubt very scathing, audio messages. Releasing a heavy breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding, Mina had a sudden overwhelming urge to hurl the device to the floor and stomp on it.

Like all directors, Jason tended to overreact, though in this case she supposed his suspicions would not be entirely unjustified. No doubt there would be some very tricky questions to answer when she got home. And if the number of missed calls was any indication, it was going to take all of her skills to smooth this one over, and she certainly meant all of them.

Her head snapped up at the sound of rustling, eyes darting towards the source of the disturbance. Mark was asleep on the bed, rolling onto his side with one hand buried beneath a pillow while the other dragged a handful of the bedsheets to his chest, his narrow, boyishly handsome face covered by a stray wing of wispy, chocolate-coloured hair.

There was no sign of Daniel, though in the cold light of day, or rather early morning, she supposed that was probably a very good thing. In her current mood, she wasn’t sure if she would have killed him, or pounced and taken him for another five rounds. The sight of him had a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She loved Jason and she would miss him. They had had many good times together and the thought of losing him left a sickly feeling in the bottom of her gut. Yet if the day ever came when she had to choose, there would only ever be one winner. Yet that was by no means the sum of her troubles.