“No!” Her thighs snapped shut around his hand.

“Oh? So, you want more?” His finger curled inside her, swirling leisurely, stroking her insides.

“Yes!” It felt like an eternity since anyone had done this to her. Jake had been the last, and she would have given anything in the world for it to be him in this anonymous creature’s place, his hands stroking her, fingers inside her. But Jake was gone, off somewhere else, probably fucking some lucky little tart. She’d seen to that. So now she had to make her bed, and shag in it until dawn, until she’d worn herself out on this walking dildo.

And he was quite a dildo indeed. Hard as steel and straining quite vividly against the fabric of his jeans, she could practically feel the heat of him radiating through their clothes. The weight of his desire pushed up against her, grinding in that all so delicious way that had her rocking and grinding, fucking herself on his hand. “Yes! More! I want… more!”

“Naughty girl,” he purred, the low throb of his voice coursing through her as she thrust against his single digit, trying to incite him. Then her mind was blank, lost in a whiteout as his mouth fell upon hers, swallowing her moan as he pushed a second digit inside her, thumb pad rubbing circles over and around her clit. And all the while, his tongue mimicked the movement of his fingers, swirling and spinning, flitting in and out of her hot cavern.

It was too much.

Too good.

Then suddenly he was gone.

No! Maddened from her closeness, her eyes snapped open to meet a hauntingly familiar pair of cool blue eyes. “Jake.”

He’d let his hair grow out until it almost reached his shoulders and shaved his goatee. But there was no doubt. It was him.

“Hello, angel.” He grinned that devastating grin that never failed to make her wet for him and had her thighs rubbing together of their own volition, desperate to rekindle the contact he was denying her. “Does it really turn you on so much? Getting finger-fucked here? Where anyone could see? Maybe some already have…” The dishevelled look suited him. Made him look younger, enhancing the strong lines of his jaw, and, if it was possible, even more dangerous when combined with his black leather jacket, jeans and shirt. “How ‘bout we really give them a show?” And to her horror, he brought his hand to his lips, the hand that had just been buried in her jeans, buried inside her, and licked one slick and shiny finger- tasting her in the middle of the crowded dancefloor.

She came.


I’m broken without you

You want to save me

But together we’re stronger


What’s broken can be fixed

But my love for you

Will never die.

This was a very bad idea.

He’d only gone up to talk to her, but then…

The shadowy back corner didn’t offer much cover, but it was quieter here and they were far enough out of the way, hidden behind a private booth, that Jake was confident nobody could see. He had pinned her to the wall, hands braced, penning her in with his body as their tongues danced a fiery duet and her fingers clutched at his jacket.

“This… this is… we should stop…” she gasped, tearing her lips from his. Her objections, however, only opened more skin for him to kiss so he dipped down to ravish the slope of her neck with nips and licks while working his way between her legs. Needing her to feel how hard she’d gotten him. And he was hard. Hemmed in by the tight confines of his denim prison, his cock felt like a solid length of steel between his legs. The pressure amassing inside wasn’t exactly painful, but by no means was it pleasant, either.

It demanded release, and he fully intended to grant that wish. Later.

“Mmm… but you’re so wet,” he whispered, gently nipping the spot where her neck and collar met before soothing it with a slow, leisurely lick. “Come on, say you want me. Your needy little pussy must be throbbing for my cock.”

Arching into his mouth, Vickey fisted his hair, pulling him closer. “No, no! Jake! Please…”

She was nervous, her voice low and breathless, still worried they’d be caught, but that wanton tone was music to his ears. He collared both her wrists in one hand, pinning them behind her back with enough force to make her gasp.

“Ah. Ah. Ah… No touching.” He was sinking to his knees, the fingers of his free hand curling into the waistband of her jeans.

“Jake?” she gasped, louder now, as the denim pooled around her boots, exposing her to his hungry eyes.