“So, what now? Are you going to…” I trailed off, unsure of how to put the question into words.

“Feed on you?” He asked. “Yes.”

I swallowed; my mouth suddenly dry. “You’re going to kill me?”

He laughed at that. He threw his head back and laughed. It should have pissed me off, but despite myself, I was immediately enthralled to the sound. He laughed like my one question was the funniest thing he’d ever heard, and it was as far from the cackling horror movie stereotype as it was possible to be. It was full and deep and rolled over me like a warm hand brushing down my back, the fingers playing my spine.

I could have listened to that sound for the rest of my days, but his humour dried up as suddenly as it had come. “Why would I kill you?”

“But you said-”

“I’d feed on you, yes.”

“That makes no sense,” I said, and I felt my face screw up in confusion, my cheeks growing hot with embarrassment. I felt like a child in a difficult class, with a teacher who only spoke in riddles. “How can you feed on me and not kill me?”

“At any time, there is enough blood in a human body to quench my thirst more than five times over. I don’t need to take your life to survive, just some of your blood.”

“So, you’ve never...”

“Killed to feed?” Lucian said before slowly getting up from his chair and walking over to a stone minibar. “On occasion. But they deserved their fate, like our mutual friends tonight.” From a selection of crystals, he picked the brandy decanter and refilled his tumbler with a deep ruby red. “Of course, there are some that make a habit of it, but that runs its own risks. The Vampire Council takes a dim view of drawing unnecessary attention to our kind.”

“A vampire council? There’s a council made up of vampires out there?”

“Yes, the elders. The oldest and strongest of us. They rule the vampire nation from its seat of power in London.”

“Vampire Nation! How many of you are there?”


“Thousands.” I parroted; not quite sure I had heard him right.

“Yes, thousands.” I could feel myself getting warm from the amusement in his tone, like he was humouring an inquisitive child, full of endless questions. “I dare say you’ve seen some, maybe even spoken to a few of my kind before. Once vampires had to be cunning to survive, but it is so easy to blend in now. We need only a set of fangs. And a little charm.”

“But, what about sunlight? You’ll die if you go out in broad daylight!”

“Just a myth.” He sat down beside me on the sofa, and I didn’t recoil. I don’t know what it was about him, but he seemed to exert a pull that made me want to be closer to him the longer I spent in his company. It was strange, but also kind of nice. “Vampires are extremely sensitive to ultraviolet light. It will weaken us, even burn if one doesn’t feed regularly. But fatal, no.” He grimaced as he took his first drink from the glass. “Err, cloned blood has its uses, but it tastes like shit.”

It was meant as a joke, I knew, a poor attempt at humour to ease the tension that had amassed between us, but I was beyond such things now.

“Can I see them- y-your fangs I mean, can I see them, please?” My voice faltered but I stayed firm, desperate for something, anything to focus my attention on.

If my request surprised him, Lucian gave no sign. He watched me over his tumbler for a moment, and I knew he was thinking the proposition over. That pissed me off. What, did he think I was a silly little girl who couldn’t take it? If I could stand the thought of him drinking my blood, I could take this.

He must have come to the same conclusion because he eventually put the tumbler down on the coffee table, looked at me, grinned a wide grin, and – there they were.

They came down slowly, his canines lengthening, sharpening. I watched, entranced, my heart quickening until they were fully unsheathed, deadly sharp and pearly white. And I couldn’t resist. Before he could draw them back, I reached out and brushed my thumb over the white. It was sharper than it looked, like running my finger down a steak knife, and I didn’t even notice I’d been cut till I saw the blood.

It rolled down my finger in fat beads and left a thick red smear. The sight had my mouth running dry, but before I could pull my arm back, Lucian had seized my wrist. His grip was firm, his fingers like iron tentacles as they wrapped around me, holding me where I was as he kissed my cut. I shuddered in pleasure, his decadent mouth working its magic, stirring me to into a fervour as he sucked my thumb, his eyes burning into mine.

Panting, my voice trembling and heart pounding, I asked “H-how will you do it?”

“However you desire.” He purred and released my finger. The cut had healed. “I’ll bite you of course, but the rest is up to you.” Slowly, delicately, he touched his thumb to my neck and stroked back and forth, his touch cool but stirring. “The carotid artery works well but any of the major blood vessels will suffice.” He stroked that single digit down my arm, the pad of his thumb raising goosebumps wherever it touched. Then taking my wrist in hand, he brought it up to his lips. He kissed the skin and I bit back a gasp of pain at the sudden sting as a fang punctured deep and ruby blood welled around his lips.

This time I could actually feel him drinking me in, tasting every bit of me, but then something soft and silky brushed over the wound and sent a rush of tingles through my nerves straight down to the pit of my tummy. It made me hot, hot enough to push my thighs together, desperate to quench the needy ache massing there.

When he lifted his head, my skin was unblemished. “The ulnar artery is best for a quick snack, but I prefer the femoral artery. The food there is so much sweeter, and just the act of feeding there can give the strongest orgasms…”

Suddenly I was in his lap. I should have been outraged but I could only moan in sweet ecstasy as his mouth dropped down to my neck, kissing, licking, ravishing me with his vampiric hunger.