“Um, I suppose so.” Her voice trembled but I’d already pulled the seat back and had made myself comfortable. She looked away quickly, her heart already racing, those big blue eyes flitting back and forth, desperate for something, anything to look at other than me. Good, I’m already affecting her. This may just be easier than I thought. A few more little pushes and this delicate little rabbit will be all mine.

And she would be mine.

“I’m Lucian,” I said, taking a sip of my drink, just slow enough for her eyes to focus on my mouth.

I could practically feel her heart fluttering as her eyes lingered just that moment too long. Then she pulled herself together and hurriedly looked away. “Kate.”

“Beautiful.” I smiled. “Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl. But a beauty by any other name would be no less exquisite.” I extended my hand.

Uncertain, her eyes moved from my hand to my face, back down to my hand, then back to the sea of bodies rippling around us.

“Would you prefer come here often?” I dropped my hand. “How about what’s a nice girl like you doing in a dive like this?”

“Is that the best you’ve got?” She said it without looking, but the tension in her voice betrayed her. She was interested, and she was overcompensating to try and resist my charms.

“Oh, my dear girl, you have no idea.” This was going to be easier than I thought. “You’re not waiting for anyone, by any chance, are you? I’d hate to interrupt.”

Her head whipped around; eyes suddenly bright. “What makes you think I’m-”

“Such beauty should never be unaccompanied,” I smirked across my drink at her before making a show of looking past her. “And by the way you keep watching all these people, I’d say you’re looking for someone.”

Kate visibly relaxed. “What sharp little eyes you’ve got.”

“I have my talents, just wait till you get to my teeth.” She blushed and dropped her eyes to the table. “So,” I pressed, “who’s the lucky fellow?”

“It’s just a friend.”

“A friend?”

“Yes,” She sipped her otherwise untouched drink. A Henry, judging by the strong smell of citrus. “She’s been badgering me all week to come to this party and barely ten minutes after we get through the door, she disappears.”

She was lying.

She had a talent for deception for sure. Her story was simple and plausible, her delivery perfect. If I had been anyone else, she might very well have pulled the wool over my eyes. But she could not lie to me. I could tell, I could always tell.

Nevertheless, I played along. “Good friends are hard to come by. Would you care for some company till she gets back?”

“N-no, it’s fine.” She drained her drink. “I saw her going off with some guy a little while ago. No doubt she’ll have him balls deep by now and will have completely forgotten about me. So, I’ll be leaving soon.”

“For home?”


“Is it far?”

“Far Enough.”

“Do you drive?”

She scowled. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

Her anger only inflamed my amusement and desire. There was some fire in my little rabbit after all. “The city’s no safe place for a girl all alone. If you’re not driving, I wouldn’t dream of letting you walk home all alone. Anything could happen.”

At my words, Kate sucked in a breath. Suddenly she was as white as a sheet.

“No, thank you. I’ll be fine.” She pushed back from the table, grabbing her clutch as she got to her feet. “Nice to meet you, Mr Lucian.” Then she was gone into the crowd.

I watched her go, unable to resist admiring the way her jeans hugged the curves of her buttocks as she sashayed through the bodies. I couldn’t wait to sink my fangs into that luscious derrière. “The pleasure, I’m sure, will be all mine.”