Torn between sinful pleasure and exquisite agony, the urge to push her off or fist her hair and force her down, to take him to the root- he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t stand it, nor could he look away.

So he just watched, his knuckles turning white as he fisted the sofa’s plush leather against the pull of lush warmth.

“Mmm…does that feel good, boy, does your big cock like my wet little mouth?” Erza purred, pulling back to flutter her tongue over his tip, delighting in his shuddering gasp and the salty, musky goodness that coated his crown. By the moon, she loved having so much power over him, seeing the conflict in his eyes, of having him helpless beneath her, and knowing he could turn at any moment. She’d forgotten how much she enjoyed the feeling of wielding power over a warrior so much stronger than her. It was such an exquisite feeling, such a turn on, a delicious cocktail of danger and power.

She wanted more and dropped down to lavish attention on his sack.

“Fuck, Erza…” Danny groaned, his head rolling, the feeling almost too good for him to resist.

Her tongue drew a figure of eight over and around each ball, before she sucked one then the other into her mouth, rolling them with her tongue and relishing the rich flavour. Erza dragged her tongue back up the underside of his length, to greedily mouth his wide crest.

“Don’t think I’m doing this to please you. This is just sex. You’re giving off so many pheromones, you’re triggering my heat cycle. So I’m going to take the edge off by fucking your brains out.”

And with that, she was all business.

She went all out. Taking him back into her mouth with their eyes still locked, going fast and sloppy, bobbing her head up and down with the same furious intensity she would apply to any battle. He was so thick and deliciously hard, but also soft and warm, like steel wrapped in warm silk.

Yet it wasn’t enough. Erza wanted more. Wanted to claim him. To suck him dry and mark him as hers. To push him to the very edge, to make him gasp and writhe and submit.

“Erza…please…” Danny groaned, gritting his teeth against the feeling of her mouth gliding along his arousal, of lush heat sucking him in with long, rhythmic pulls. His eyes pleaded with her to stop but his wolf begged her to continue as his body and mind warred within him.

God, no, fuck, she was going too fast, he couldn’t…couldn’t think…couldn’t… couldn’t… “Oh fuck…your mouth’s so…f-fuck!”

“Yeah, that’s it, you like it don’t you…” Sensing the change in him, the werewolf Alpha smirked inwardly and pulled back, only to cup her breasts. “Mmm such a big, tasty cock.” Pushing her cleavage together around his meat, she slowly started moving up and down.

Danny couldn’t stand much more. The warmth and softness of her full tits surrounding him, the silky feeling of skin rubbing against slick skin, just watching his cock sliding up through the valley of her breasts was such a wild fucking turn on.

“God…Feels so good…oh fuck…don’t…don’t stop you fucking bitch…” he groaned as, with his head starting to spin, his hips instinctively lunged, fucking her tits with wild abandon.

“Oh, I won’t stop until you’ve blown your load all over your Alpha’s tits,” Erza promised, relishing the feel of him between her breasts, huge and hard and scorching hot. So hot, the heat of his desire was brushing over her lips, thick with the musk of his arousal, making her lips tingle and clit throb. “Does it feel good squeezed between my tits? Come on, fuck them, boy, fuck your Alpha’s tits, paint me in all your juicy cum. I want to taste, lick you all up, suck your balls dry then ride you till you can’t remember your little human bitch’s name!”

Though his need to cum was growing fiercer by the second, her gloat cut him like ice. “Wait, how do you know about Jackie?”

“Why else would you be so backed up?” she teased, dipping her head down to flutter her tongue across his tip. “When werewolves find a potentially acceptable mate, they go into a heat cycle. A real werewolf would have claimed her on site, fucked her for everyone to see. One ride on this big dick and the little bitch would probably beg for you to mark her.”

“N-no, don’t talk about her like that!”

Feeling his bestial energy spike, as well as the way his cock seemed to swell and thicken and pulse against her skin, Erza pressed her advantage. “Aww, what’s the matter boy, are you in love with her? Has the little human wench already made you her bitch? Well, don’t worry, by the time I’m done with you, you’ll have forgotten all about her.”

Her head dipped and she took his crown into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked long and hard.

It was all too much. The heat of her mouth. The silky softness of her breasts squeezing around him. The sight of her sucking him while she worked him between her cleavage, and all the while continuing to watch him, her predatory gaze fixed and unblinking, seeming to see through him. It was too much.

“No!” Danny half groaned, half choked, squeezing his eyes shut against the sudden rush as his release overcame him. Yet for all his protests, his wolf would not be denied and as he unleashed rope after rope of thick cream into her mouth, his fingers buried themselves in her raven tresses, holding her fast and firm, forcing her to take every drop.

However, Erza only relished his sudden forcefulness, and sucked greedily, milking him for every drop he had to give. Even after his release began to ebb and his fingers slipped from her hair, she kept up her assault, refusing to let him go soft on her.

When black spots started dancing before his eyes, Danny could only groan. “N-no…Erza…stop…no…no more…”

“Now, don’t be like that,” she pouted, pulling back to fix him with a look that would have almost been a reproach if she had not been so coyly licking her lips. “You should be honoured.” Then she winked, and the look became pure predatory hunger as she rose up to straddle his waist. “I hope you’re ready, because I’m about to give you the greatest fuck of your life!”

And before he could object, strong dextrous fingers coiled around his revived length, angling it upward as she sunk down. Then it was too late.

“Erza! Sto-!” Danny gasped, all objections leaving him in a long moan at the feeling of sliding into her lush heat, her warm silky walls wrapping around and sucking him in.

“Mmm…too late for that…you’re all mine now…” she purred, lowering herself down, fighting back a moan herself at the sensation of being filled inch by inch.

Fuck…he’s huge.