It came as such a surprise. He was sure he had misheard.

“I said, sit fucking down!” Quick as a snake, she snatched the empty glass from his hand, placed both on the nearest table, then pushed him back down onto the nearest sofa.

“H-hey wha- wait a minute! Erza, what are you do-” Danny trailed off, his eyes going as wide as saucers as she pushed down the shoulders of the sleeves of her dress and let it slither down her body to pool around her feet.

Unashamedly naked, Erza just glared down at him. “What does it look like I’m doing boy? Just shut up and strip.”

She wasn’t in any mood for games.

Not now.

Not after what he’d done to her.

“What? You can’t be-” His cheeks burned, and Danny looked away.

“Get out of your fucking clothes!” she snarled, putting her hands on her hips and kicking the garment on the floor away. “You’re in heat.”

“What!” In his surprise, his eyes snapped back up to her, but got lost partway and instead locked onto the rosy tips of her full teardrop-formed breasts. Though she was of relatively small stature, the werewolf Alpha was nonetheless full figured and beautiful, with long legs, a tight flat belly and a bountiful bosom that would more than fill each of his hands.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” Erza growled, her eyes darkening with wild lust, raking over the sight of him stretched out before her until they landed on the tell-tale bulge forming in his trousers. The discovery sent a fresh rush of heat through her core. “You better enjoy the view while you can, boy. This is a one-time thing. Don’t think I’m about to become your bitch.”

Swallowing what little moisture was left in his mouth, Danny forced his eyes up to meet hers. “But I can’t be, how’s that possi- hey, stop!” He shouted in a sudden rush as she grabbed fistfuls of his trousers, half tugging, and half trying to rip them apart.

“You want my help? This is the only way,” she snapped, even as he grabbed at her hands to force them away. Her heart pounded. The wet heat in her centre had begun to throb insistently. Damnit, now just being close to him was turning her on. “Damnit, do I have to do everything myself…Errr…fine!” Her eyes flashed lupin gold, and the space between them filled with the sound of tearing cloth.

Danny might have been a werewolf, the son of a long unbroken line of Alphas, but his trousers were merely humble cloth. No match for the raw power of a werewolf. With a twist of her wrist, the already shredded denim tore at their very fibres and exploded in a rain of confetti.

“Mmm…Well, aren’t you just full of surprises,” Erza purred, drinking in the sight of his arousal standing rampant, huge by any standard and easily as thick as her wrist. She licked her lips. “This is going to be fun.”

Wild eyed, Danny could barely speak through the lump in his throat. “No, stop, you can’t be serious- oh!” His words dissolved in a long moan as lush heat enveloped him.

Curling her fingers around his thick base, delighted in the knowledge that they couldn’t meet in the middle, Erza greedily mouthed the head, fighting back a low moan as his thick musky flavour flooded her senses.

Though not the most obliging of women, Erza was no blushing virginal bride. Long before she had taken the mantle of Lupus Latr’s Alpha, she could pride herself on being a very proficient lover- and cock sucker.

It was the only reason she had survived this long.

Her mother had been a slave of a Wyvern chieftain, a prize snatched from her pack by a raiding party that had gone back over the border before she could be rescued. If they had known she was pregnant, they would have probably just slain her there in the clearing where they had found her, but she had been a good slave, so the chieftain had allowed her to bear the child.

Born into servitude, Erza had quickly learned to use any and every weapon at her disposal. She had no disillusions. Sex was a weapon, and when she started to mature, her sex appeal was as deadly a weapon as her wolf, and if used correctly, could be much more effective.

For all his arrogance, the chieftain was no fool. He had always known there was a danger in keeping a werewolf as his pet and Erza knew if she grew too powerful, the bastard wouldn’t hesitate to remove her from his service. So it had been up to her to find a way of making him overlook her ever increasing power. Fortunately for her, the old pervert also had a penchant for beautiful women, and when she’d offered herself to him, he’d been quick to accept.

It must have been such a thrill for the beast, to have her writhing and moaning beneath him, knowing she'd offered herself to him, and believing she had no idea how he'd killed her mother the year before.

Even now the memories of what she'd done for him, let him do to her, made her skin crawl. Yet it had been her who'd had the last laugh, because while she was his obedient little sex slave, he had kept her at his side, a prize for his clan to ogle and envy, and she had listened and learned. Learned the ways of her enemy, how they thought, their dark arts and powers. And when the time was right, she’d taken her revenge.

In the dawn, all the clan had found was his body tied to his bed, with her slave collar embedded in his throat and his disembodied cock in his mouth.

She'd never told anyone about her past.

It was her secret shame and her greatest strength.

And now it was time to show this young pup his place.

Just like she’d taught his brother, that day she had first arrived in the village.

“Erza, wait…stop…we really shouldn’t… Don’t do-oh!” For all his awesome power, Danny had never felt so helpless. The sight of her lush lips flowing down his length, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked greedily, taking him in all the way to the gate of her throat in one slow plunge while those dark, predatory eyes stared up at him. Watching him. Daring him to interfere. It was too much.