On any other day, it would have been a beautiful night.

Welcome home Danny he mused, switching off the ignition and climbing out into evening air, fragrant with the scent of cut grass. Just the way he remembered. It was good to know it still smelt the same, if nothing else.

There’d been a time he knew every street and building. His father’s family had been key members of the community since Roman times after all. His blood was as much a part of Lupus Latr as the stones and mortar. When he was small, he’d played in the fields, fished in the rivers, and hunted in the woods. As he grew, he attended the local schools and made a name for himself on the rugby grounds. Then eight years ago, on the eve of his eleventh birthday, she had arrived in town, and everything changed.

A point made clear by the commercialised front of his hometown.

“Fucking McDonalds,” he pondered, passing by the building that, eight years before had been a little greengrocer shop but now sported the infamous neon ‘M’. There was a Costa Coffee too, even a goddamn Dominos. The smell of the cooking meat made his stomach rumble,

reminding him that he hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast.

He’d left London in such a rush, even skipping out on all his afternoon lectures. Danny had been desperate to put as much distance between himself and that girl as possible. Before the urge took him again.

No, he needed to get this done.

He could still feel it, burning inside him. The heat. The awareness. The throbbing energy crackled through his skin, making it feel too tight for his body. The hunger. The raw, undeniable need.

Dormant for the moment but there all the same and growing stronger.

Danny couldn’t understand it.

It had begun about a month ago, the morning he started attending ICL. It had started off like an itch he couldn’t quite scratch, a tingle of sensation racing down his spine while he’d been moving through the halls to his first lecture. Then he’d heard footsteps behind him and glanced around just in time to see a girl running by. Suddenly his every sense was focused on her, and he couldn’t stop himself from giving her a long, slow once over.

She was a cute little thing. Long raven hair that cascaded all the way down her back, half rim glasses that framed her angular face and sat high on her nose, a small mouth with peach-coloured lips, and sparkling blue eyes. Dressed in a conservative button up white blouse and slim-cut blue jeans that showed off long athletic legs he longed to feel wrapped around him, she was the walking embodiment of a smoking hot bookworm fantasy.

He’d managed to drag his eyes away just in time, but she must have sensed him watching her because no sooner had he done so, her head had snapped around to fix on him.

Her big blue eyes had narrowed suspiciously, but far from being intimidated, the challenging look had sent another tingle down his spine, stirring his beast.

Then, just like that she was gone, vanishing amongst the surrounding press of bodies as quickly as she had appeared, leaving just her heady scent in her wake. A scent clean and fresh with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. He inhaled it greedily, his mouth watering.

That had just been the beginning. As it turned out, not only was the girl- he soon learnt her name was Jackie Hunt- attending ICL, but she would also be attending all of his lectures. As she sat just two seats down from him, she was also just close enough for him to faintly catch her scent on each breath. It was close enough to make his heart race.

And it had only gotten worse, the urges growing stronger and harder to control.

He’d almost lost it that morning when she’d cornered him in a corridor, all fire and brimstone, demanding to know why he was constantly watching her. And it had been all he could do not to push her up against the lockers and silence her with a hungry kiss. He almost had when she’d stepped in close and started to prod him in his chest with her finger. The beast in him had taken over and closed the gap, his head dipping so they were almost nose to nose, lips just brushing-

If she had stood her ground, he didn’t want to think what could have happened. Instead, she’d softened under him, rising up on her tiptoes to meet him, lips parting for him.

That momentary surrender however, had broken the spell.

He’d fled.

No apologies, no hurried explanation, just turned on his heel and bolted as fast as his legs could carry him. Which was probably for the best, because her furious shouts had hounded him all through the halls.

If Jackie had been anybody else, Danny might have hoped she’d forget about it. It was

Friday after all, and that meant she’d have a whole two days of free time to get it out of her mind, but Danny doubted Jackie Hunt had ever let herself forget about anything. She was possibly the most stubborn girl he had ever known, and he wouldn’t put it past her to hack into the school database to steal his address and come round to his lodgings, just to kick his ass.

And if that happened, he didn’t want to think about what might happen.

He needed to sort this out.

He needed help.

He needed to see…her.

Erza. The Werewolf Princess. His Alpha.