Biting back the sarcastic retort, she stepped out of the pool of bedding and, stepping down from the bed, walked to the centre of the room. At her movement, Sean, Eric, Charlie and Victor seemed to awaken from their stupor and began hurriedly shedding their garments. Daniel, however, made no such move to disrobe. Despite her cool demeanour, Mina couldn’t help a sense of trepidation as she watched them.

Could she really go through with this? Sex with Mark was one thing. They were more than lovers, more than siblings. He was her confidant and secret-keeper. They shared a bond that went beyond love and blood. This, however, was something else. This was blackmail, and only a judge’s order away from prostitution. Could she live with herself, knowing she’d sold herself to them. What if it ever came out? She’d forever be labelled a whore. The news would destroy her father, and humiliate Jason. Her heart thundering, hot tears began to burn her eyes. She wanted to scream, to beg and plead for them not to do this, that she would pay whatever they wanted. Then she caught the icy gleam of madness in Sean’s eyes, the sneer twisting his face as he kicked off his trousers, and knew it would do no good. Forcing the tears back, she took a deep, nerve steadying breath and said “Mark… please, don’t look. I don’t want you to see me like this.”

Sinking to her knees, the carpet oddly coarse against her bare skin, she watched the naked foursome converge on her, their fully engorged arousals bobbing proudly between their legs with their movements as they fanned out, towering over her and half encircling her in a crescent ring. Despite her revulsion, Mina couldn’t resist letting her eyes trail over their forms, giving them each a once-over. Sean was closest. Neither fat nor thin, he was covered with a thin pelt of shaggy ginger curls and a nest of freckles across his abdomen. Victor stood beside him on her left, huge and broad with Herculean muscles like chiselled marble and without a trace of hair to blemish his bronzed flesh. Farthest on the right, Charlie was sword-thin with smooth, milky skin and a gold ring hanging from his right nipple. Hanging back on the left flank, stout and shaped like badly kneaded dough, Eric was by far the most comic of the group and was looking questioningly around at the others, as if waiting for instructions.

Desperate to get this over with as quickly as possible, she shuffled forward and opened her mouth. Her heart hammering against her ribs, she glanced up at Sean, saw his toothy grin and firm nod, before dipping forward. He was about average length, but his erection bent sharply upward just beneath the head and she could feel the tip of his mushroom-shaped organ scraping along the roof of her mouth as she took him into her damp cavern. Inhaling the thick musky scent of his arousal, she used the point of her tongue to lightly trace the sensitive ridges on the organ’s underside while closing her lips around the place where the shaft curved and suckled lazily.

However, when he tried to grab her head, Mina slapped his hand away and pulled off. He arched a quizzical brow at her, but she held his gaze with a look of steadfast defiance. “Just a blow job. No touching.”

“Oh,” Sean’s face softened, his eyebrow lowering, then his features hardened in a look of livid fury. He struck her with an open palm across her cheek that produced a sound like the crack of a bullwhip. “Now listen slut. I’m in charge here. Not you. Not your little fuck toy over there, or that pussy Daniel. Me!” Spittle rained from his lips as he spat the word out like a child throwing a tantrum. “So I’ll touch whatever the fuck I want and if you dare say no to me again, we’ll upload the videos. Got it?”

Refusing to look away, Mina touched a hand to where he’d hit her. The skin was hot against her fingers. The blow had stung, however there was little pain. It wouldn’t leave a mark.

But did she dare push him further? She wasn’t worried about the recordings. He couldn’t upload them now. If he did, he’d lose his only leverage to get what he wanted, and he knew it. He’d threaten and shout and try to strong-arm her to his will, but it would be all bluff until he was sure she wouldn’t give in. No, the videos on their phones were the least of her worries for the moment.

She cast a sidelong look at Mark upon the bed. He sat hunched over, muscles tense and fists balled amongst the sheets, ready to spring. His lips were pulled back in a deadly grimace. She could take whatever they threw at her, but he looked ready to snap at any moment. She nodded.

Sean smirked, his beady eyes glittering venomously. With the same hand that had struck her, he roughly cupped her chin and forced her eyes back to him, fingers digging into her cheeks. The touch made Mina’s skin crawl yet she forced herself not to pull away and the ginger nodded too. “Good, now get back to work.”

Mark shifted, and for a terrible instant, Mina was terrified he would throw himself at her abuser, but he stayed on the bed.

Loath to give this slimy weasel any pleasure, she stared up at him and forced herself to imagine her Jason standing over her, envisioning his shaggy chocolate curls and firm jaw, his broad build and crooked grin, and his deep, piercing gaze…

“Oh yeah, that’s more like it… mmm- that’s it, suck it, slut,” moaned Sean, his head falling back in sweet euphoria as she began eagerly suckling his organ. Though the fantasy wasn’t much of a distraction, it was nonetheless enough to ignite a lustful fire inside her, the flames licking that cold and empty cavern deep inside her. It fed off her every thought and grew into an all-consuming blaze that threatened to envelop her at any moment. Swept up in its roaring tide, she went to work on him, focusing all her energies on stimulating his organ’s sensitised head, sucking voraciously while swirling her silky tongue around and around the slick, rubbery flesh.

As her attentions grew more impassioned, the weasel-faced Sean’s breathing became laboured and his hips began to rock against her, urgently fucking her mouth’s damp cavern. Adjusting to match his erratic rhythm, Mina quickened her pace, twisting her torso this way and that with such energy her perky breasts jiggled, her head rising and falling with his undulating hips, the furnace of her core growing slick with a flood of liquid desire as she imagined the familiar mask of pleasure settling over Jason’s features.

Barely aware of the others arranged around her, her hands rose on their own invitation to grasp both Charlie and Eric’s swollen members. As her fingers closed around them, the boys released a pair of low groans and she could feel their hard lengths writhing in her grasp. They had the feel of steel shafts wrapped in heated silk. Slurping and sucking intently on Sean’s cock, being as loud and crude as possible, she began to pump her hands in perfect rhythm with the bob of her head, making all three thrust and churn into her pleasurable embrace.

“Oh, fuck… almost there, yeah… I knew you’d be a first-class cock sucker. I bet you love it, don’t you… oh shit! Your mouth’s so hot, I can’t wait to fill it up with my cum,” growled Sean, his voice hitched and the jerk of his hips growing more sporadic as a pressure gathered in the base of his spine. Mina could feel his orgasm building too. She could taste the salty flavour of his pre-cum spill across her tongue as his arousal swelled and throbbed between her lips.

The realisation was enough to break her fantasy. Sensing his desperate need to reach his peak, she felt the irresistible urge to be naughty and pulled back, pausing only to flick the weeping tip with the point of her tongue before leaving him completely. As the heat of her mouth left him, Sean visibly stiffened and turned his gaze down on her. Eyes lived and jaw clenched tight, he uttered a protesting gasp and tried to drag her back but she ducked beneath his clumsy grab.

Payback’s a bitch, you little ferret-faced fucker!

Grinning inwardly, she rounded on the imposing giant standing just to her left, nearly poking her eye out as his engorged manhood jutted towards her. Despite Victor’s bruiser build, his cock stood about 14 centimetres and appeared the same width as two of her slender fingers, it's bulbous crown a deep red, pulsing dangerously in testament to his arousal.

Ohhh… compensating for something are we, big boy?

Barely able to contain her amusement, and more than a little relieved to find his size was not exactly proportionate, Mina shifted her attention from his loins and trailed a contemplating eye up his marble-like front to take in his look of intense concentration. Holding his gaze while her hands continued to work their magic upon his fellows, she bent down, her lips parting, the moist heat of her breath spilling across Victor's throbbing head.

“Ugh… I’m going to cum!” gasped Victor. It was the first time she had heard the brute speak, his voice high and uncommonly squeaky for someone of his size. Before she could absorb the hilarity of his quirks or the gravity of his statement, his engorged shaft stilled, swelled, and expelled a long rope of his creamy seed that splattered across the roof of her mouth. Surprised by his abrupt release, Mina could only stare in wide-eyed disbelief as two more bursts filled her mouth before she closed her lips and, with a shiver of disgust, swallowed the bitter fluid. Both Eric and Charlie uttered a mix of mocking laughs and pleasure-thick groans at the brute’s premature climax as her hands glided along the full length of their shafts, the velvety skin slick and writhing beneath her touch, but Victor was immune to their disdain. Panting in exhaustion, his eyes closed and muscles slack, he swayed slightly before taking an unsteady step back and toppled to his arse with a force that made the floor tremble in his wake.

Sean promptly stepped over the downed behemoth, his eyes ablaze with primal hunger. Without warning, his hand seized the back of Mina's head, his fingers twisting through her hair in a grip she was powerless to resist as he dragged her forward. Overbalanced and hissing in pain, she tried to protest but before she could utter a word, the head of his cock passed between her parted lips. Eyes widening, she lurched back in sudden panic yet couldn’t break his hold as he continued to apply pressure, forcing her to take him in, her lips stretching around his shaft. When her tongue brushed against his frenulum, the ginger-haired man uttered a low moan and his hips jerked, thrusting home into her warmth, causing the rubbery tip to bang against the back of her throat, triggering the terrible, jarring kick of her gag reflex. Feeling her eyes water, Mina instinctively tried to pull away, but Sean held her firm, his eyes glaring down into hers with a manic intensity as he loomed over her, daring her to make him stop.

Unable to breathe, she desperately tried to swallow his engorged organ to grab a breath, but only succeeded in making a wet, throaty gargle as her muscles drew it into her pharynx, choking her. Openly crying as his hand forcefully pressed on the back of her head, she felt his bulbous crown burrow deeper and deeper. It felt coarse, like a rolled-up sheet of sandpaper, and much larger than she remembered. Icy panic crashed over her, yet Sean was merciless and pressed on until he was fully encased within her throat, her lips nestled around his hilt and his balls banging against her chin.

Mina’s jaw began to throb painfully, her head spinning from lack of oxygen. Desperate to hold on to reality, her hands stilled their movements and squeezed Eric and Charlie so tightly both boys grunted before spilling themselves into her grasp. A heavy fog of dizziness descended over her mind. Black spots danced before her eyes as her vision slipped in and out of focus and her heart thundered in her ears. Starved of oxygen and on the brink of unconsciousness, she was dimly aware of a sharp pain across her scalp as Sean’s dexterous fingers fisted in her silky hair. Then he moaned something incoherent at the feel of her throat convulsing around his swollen length, released a roar of pleasure and unleashed a wash of liquid heat down her throat.

He held her there, forcing her to take in every drop off his release until his orgasm had passed and his nerveless digits released their hold. Sensing the pressure lift, she used the last of her energy to pull back, her chest heaving as his shrinking cock was removed from her airway. She dragged in great lungfuls of life-giving oxygen, only to suddenly wretch and cough violently. Doubling over as the fit inflamed her already raw pharynx, Mina had a momentary glimpse of the trio exchanging glazed looks, their manhoods shrivelled and semi-spent, before a bitter aftertaste flooded her senses and she was almost overwhelmed by the urge to vomit.

Gritting her teeth to hold off the rising tide of sickness, she brought her hands up to cover her mouth only to find her fingers doused in thick, creamy semen. Her stomach roiled as she inhaled the musky scent of the boys’ climax, yet she forced herself to swallow the salty aftertaste before reaching out and picking up one of the discarded garments. Using it like a handkerchief, she towelled her hands until every last drop of their combined essence had been scrubbed from her skin. Using a clean area of the garment, Mina dabbed away her few remaining tears and wiped away any excess saliva that had spilt down her chin. Finally satisfied she was clean, but all too aware of her pressing need to take another shower before returning home, she discarded the article of clothing and turned her gaze up to see Sean, Eric and Charlie still standing over her but with their heads all turned towards the same direction and all wearing identical, knowing grins. Following their gaze back across the room, she felt her stomach plunge at the sight of Danny still standing by the door.

One more to go.

“So how bout it, Danny? Are you man enough to play with the big boys, or would you rather try your luck with Mark instead? You two always did make a cute couple,” sneered Sean, his followers chuckling in agreement. They were like hyenas baiting a lion.

Daniel just stood there, his jaw tight and fists clenched. His eyes darted from one face to the next, perhaps gauging their resolve, before looking past her to where she knew Mark was watching. He held that look for a long moment, his expression shifting slightly as he and Mark exchanged a silent conversation, then his attention shifted to her and what she saw there made her stomach do cartwheels before it plummeted down a black, bottomless pit. Want. Pure, unadulterated, naked, burning, lust.