The voice was like the crack of a bullwhip. Eyes widening, Mina whirled around toward the source, her heart leaping into her throat and a cascade of icy terror rushed over her. Standing there was none other than little Daniel Cornwell. His eyes were downcast and he wore a sheepish look that didn’t suit his growth spurt. Fanning out on his flanks were Sean, Eric, Charlie and Victor, their lecherous stares quickly reminding her of her nudity. Her skin burned with embarrassment, so she seized a fistful of the duvet and, with a great tug, heaved the blankets up from beneath them to her chest, covering her breasts and lower body.

Oh, God, this can’t be happening. How much did they see? What are we going to… no, wait, maybe they’ve only just arrived. Maybe we can bluff our way through this.

The door behind the boys was closed but the sounds of the party going on downstairs was as raucous as she remembered, suggesting her and Mark’s absence had not been seriously noted.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’d say this party just keeps on getting better and better,” sniggered Sean, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement and never once leaving the spot where her breasts had been on display just moments before.

“Hey… what the fuck, Sean! Get outta here!” Mark growled, making no effort to cover his nudity as he shot daggers at the group. Then he turned to Daniel, who shrunk slightly before his boyhood friend’s betrayal. “Danny?”

“I’m sorry, man, I couldn’t stop them…” Daniel, at least, had the good grace to look ashamed before giving a sideways glance towards Victor who, standing just to his left and easily the biggest of the group, must have outweighed him by more than five stone of pure muscle. Nonetheless, Mina somehow doubted the sincerity of his apology and refused to look at him. He had always been at the root of trouble.

“No, I think we’ll stay,” Sean declared, ignoring Daniel’s hurried excuse and stepping past the pair of taller men, his toothy grin never wavering. “That was a fine show you two put on, but personally I think it deserves an encore.”

What? His words sent an icy chill down her spine as dread festered in her heart. Could he possibly be suggesting what she thought he was? Were they mad? Yet when she cast her eyes over his followers, she could plainly see they were all thinking along the same lines. Did they know something she didn’t? What could possibly make these brats think she’d agree to such a thing?

“What are you talking about?” snarled Mark, his voice low and deadly as he rounded back on Sean. There were only a few strides of width separating them, and Mina couldn’t help but note the way Mark’s fingers were twitching, as if he wanted nothing better than to strangle the weasel. It was then she noticed the gadget in Sean’s hand.

“I’m talking about this.” Without once taking his eyes off Mina, he raised his smartphone up for both her and Mark to see the video playing across the face. It was of poor resolution, courtesy of the extended zoom used while recording, and the sound of the party below had distorted the sound. She supposed she should have been thankful for those small mercies, but the picture was not so grainy that she could not easily recognise the rutting bodies upon the bed, seen from a dozen different angles, nor fail to identify her own pleasure-etched expression as she vigorously rode the male body beneath her. “Imagine if this went viral. Maybe I should upload it to YouTube right now? I wonder how long it would be before the media found it. Ten minutes? Five? I can just read the headlines now. Sex Tape Released of Child Star Mina Carring Fucking Her Stepbrother.”

Feeling suddenly numb as realisation dawned, she cast a quick glance back to his entourage to see that the trio all had their phones out, and were displaying similar recordings. “I think it’s fair to say your career would be ruined. Oh, and you have a boyfriend, don’t you? I wonder what he’ll think of this? And your parents…”

He shrugged suggestively, and all four smiled those knowing smirks they’d worn when she saw them in the kitchen. On the outskirts of the group, Daniel’s gaze darkened and he looked away. And suddenly the penny dropped.

Realisation dawned, crashing over her like a wall of icy water and leaving her feeling sick. She’d been set up. They’d known. Somehow, they had known the truth behind Mark’s absence and told her where to find him so she’d walk in on him in the act, then followed her up to witness the aftermath that unfolded. No doubt they’d been hoping she would scream and shout and make a scene that would have brought the entire party crashing in, humiliating Mark on his birthday. Only it hadn’t played out as expected. No, instead she’d not only played into their hands, but landed right in their pockets.

But how in God’s name had they gotten in when she’d locked the door… unless.

Her eyes darted to Daniel, and it fell into place. Of course, little Danny Cornwell. A securely locked door had been no barrier to him when he was ten. Why should time, bestselling thrillers, and a military training to invade someone’s privacy have done anything to deter or dissuade him?

“Why… you… son of a bitch! Give me that!” Mark roared, leaping to his feet with fists balled, about to lunge for the fiery-haired youth. Sean hastily fell back a step, clutching the device to his chest and fingers coming alive on the touchscreen. Mina seized Mark’s wrist, stopping him dead.

“No, Mark,” she said, her voice flat and betraying no emotion as she held him back before staring fixedly at her blackmailer. “What do you want?”

His smile broadened and Sean lowered the phone. “Hmmm… I knew you’d see things our way. What do we want? Why, we want what he had..”

“No,” she growled, trying to mask her nervousness with the same cool mask of confidence she often portrayed on set. “I’ll pay you whatever you want, but I’m not going to fuck you!”

“You’ll do what we want. So long as we have this, we own your ass,” Sean barked, his beady eyes narrowing in anger. Yet Mina held firm, her heart hammering against her chest as she tried to judge how far she could go. If they pressed her, she knew she’d have to give in, but then if they carried through with their threat, they’d get nothing. They’d have to bargain. Fortunately, Sean seemed to be thinking the same thing. “Ugh… fine! No fucking. Give us a blow job, then.”

“And if I give you one, then you’ll delete the videos?” she asked, her stomach roiling at the thought but managing to spit out the words. Sean nodded in confirmation. “Very well.”

Mark whirled to confront her, his eyes disbelieving. “B-but Mina...”

“But what, Mark?” she snapped, rounding on him with more rancour than she intended. “What are you going to do? Beat them up and destroy their phones, hoping you can get them all in the seconds it will take for just one to upload it to YouTube?” Shrinking before the anger in her tone, Mark opened his mouth to protest, letting it hang there for a moment as he tried to find the words, then closed it in defeat. As he sat back down on the bed, she turned back to Sean. “Just a blow job?”

“Just blow jobs,” he reiterated, his smile returning and eyes twinkling with malicious excitement.

Mina nodded, her eyes boring into his with a chilly disdain, unable to look at her stepbrother for fear of what she’d see reflected in his eyes. They were bluffing. They just had to be. They must know the legal ramifications she could bring down on their heads if that video was released. At the very least it was an invasion of privacy, to say nothing of the professional and emotional damage. Yet if she called it, and they did indeed upload the video, did she dare sue and make it public record? In the court of public opinion, filing a suit was as good as announcing the video’s authenticity, but to do nothing and hope the storm would blow over could be even worse. People would speculate why. And if she tried to claim the video was faked, how long would it take some pasty little techno-servant hiding in his parents’ basement watching blurry Sailor Moon re-runs to download a copy and prove it was genuine?

Mina shuddered at the thought.

No, she couldn’t let that video come out. If it did, the media fallout that would follow would devastate their parents, and Mark’s life would be ruined, just when he was starting to come out of his shell. She might have grown out of touch with the fashions of the modern youth, but the hunt remained constant. That age-old instinct to pick out and torment an outcast. The video would paint an irresistible target on his back and render him a laughingstock for the rest of his days, and there would be nothing she could do to help him. Though they were not true blood siblings, the story would have paparazzi sniffing around and following her every move, waiting for that perfect scandal shot like hungry dogs awaiting the steak to fall from their master’s plate. If just one snapped a shot of them together, it would be splashed across every trashy supermarket rag, naming them a ‘real-life Cersei and Jaime Lannister.' She would never be able to see him again, never see her family again. In the end, she would have ripped her family apart, hurt everyone who ever loved her, and left nothing but a trail of pain and wreckage in her wake. She would become that which she had always dreaded. Her Mother.

“I’ll do it.”

Defeated, she rose up to stand upon the bed and released her grip on the sheet, a disgusted shiver running down her spine as she felt the heat of their gaze following its descent over the swells of her bosom and down the flat plane of her stomach to finally rest at the apex of her thighs. Despite his reservations, at the sight of her standing completely bare before them, even Danny could no longer hide his interest and the picture of them all ogling her nakedness so brazenly made her stomach turn.

Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer!