“My Christmas present, huh?” Josh said slowly, and couldn’t resist giving her another long once over. Coupled with the black belt and gold buckle, sleek white hold ups, black knee-high boots, she had assembled the perfect Sexy Santa Dress.

And it certainly lived up to its name. Even the innocent fluffy red and white santa hat complemented the get up. The only thing missing was the blow up reindeer for her to straddle and cheer Ho! Ho! Ho!

Dragging his eyes away, looking up at the ceiling, then down at the floor, anywhere that wasn’t in her general direction. “Well, it’s lovely, but I don’t think that’s quite my size.”

She giggled, a sound as sultry and as sweet as whipped cream. “No, silly, this is just the wrapping. I’m your present.”

“Well, colour me surprised,” he answered warily, watching her slink closer, ever aware of her closeness and how hard it was getting to keep his hands off of her.

Curse his body and its needs. He really needed to get laid at some point soon. Celibacy was fucking with his head. “Especially when you're supposed to be staying with your friends down in the Riviera for Christmas break. And I’ve already wired you the airfare and spending money.”

She giggled again and cocked her head, her grin positively Cheshire cattish as she tapped a finger to her chin. “Yeah, I know I told you that, but then how else would I ever scrimp and save enough money from my measly little allowance to pay for this.” She ran both hands down the little sexy Santa dress, just to emphasise how obviously expensive the thing was. Or was it so he could see how well the silky material hugged her full breasts and flat belly.

Josh’s mouth felt impossibly dry as he couldn’t help but notice, not that he hadn’t already. Damn, youth is good these days. “We’ll call it money well spent. Now what are you doing in my bedroom?”

“Well, it’s like I said Daddy, I’m your present. Tonight I’m all yours…” And with one last little step, she closed the gap.

“Erica, what are you talking about?”

“Don’t be coy, Daddy,” she purred, reaching up to finger his buttons. Her light touch was just enough for her fingers to ghost across the hard ridge of Josh’s cut midriff, the eternal testimony to his personal trainer’s perseverance, sending tingles beneath his skin before working their way up. “Mummy never did this for you, did she?” Her hands moved up to touch his face, her skin so soft against his shadowed jaw. “Married all those years, and she never so much as kissed you.”

That was true enough.

Josh had known Sonja from way back when. All the way back to play school, in fact.

They’d stuck together through thick and thin, never more than a few steps apart. But while he had loved her from the very first, for her, he was never anything more than a friend. Her dearest friend, perhaps, the brother she never had, but never more than that. Josh had been so deep in the friend zone, he'd as good as had a map of it tattooed on his arse.

They’d remained close all the way through their school years, but after that, when he had gone off to Coventry Uni,Sonja had taken a gap year. To find herself, as she’d put it. Instead, she’d found herself up the duff, courtesy of some fucking jerk that had thought it might be fun to ‘stealth’ her, and then had fucked off to distant climbs as fast as his Birkenstocks could carry him when the joke backfired.

Unbeknownst to him, Sonja’s family were Catholic and while she was not a believer herself, her respect for their beliefs meant she had never gone onto proper birth control.

Of course, two months later, her condition had started to show, and she'd faced the prospect of telling her parents that she was about to become an unmarried, single mother. The prospect had terrified her; so much so even the unthinkable option of a termination had quickly become the lesser of two evils.

That is, until Josh had proposed. The plan was simple enough. With his shares skyrocketing and a swiss bank account that would see him welcome at any Tory ball, they could hop onto his company’s new jet, fly over to Vegas and get married. Then her family would never know the truth. She could claim the baby was his. And in Josh’s young, naïve mind, he would finally have a shot with the girl of his dreams. After all, they were married and living as man and wife. Why wouldn’t they be together.

Unfortunately, Sonja had never quite seen it that way.

No sooner had they moved in together than she’d made it obvious which rooms would be hers. And so their sham marriage became just that, a sham.

A show they put on for the world.

It just so happened he was also putting on a show for Sonja, too.Pretending to be happy with their arrangementwhen he was anything but.

He’d thought he’d had them all fooled.

Seems Erica knew him better than her mother had.

“She was so mean, but I’m gonna make it all better Daddy.” Delicate fingers fisted in his hair, drawing him in close while she leant up on her tiptoes, her soft lips brushing softly against his. Her eyes drifted closed, and she promised, “Tonight, I’ll be your reward. Your good, obedient little fuck-toy stepdaughter, Daddy...”


He hated it when she called him that. Hated the rush it gave him.

Hated the thrill it sent rushing down to the base of his spine.

Hated knowing she was just doing it to provoke him.

It might have been different if she’d called him that when she was little.