“Was that how it was for you? With your divorce?” The words were out before she could stop them, and when his hand dropped away, she would have done anything to take them back. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… forget I said anything. It’s none of my business.”

Again he held her fast, refusing to let her pull away, denying her any chance of escape.

“No, no, it’s fine,” he urged, sighing and running a hand through his hair. “My marriage was over years ago. It just took me a while to figure it out. Then I just didn’t want it to, so I threw myself into my work to avoid it, but it was only a matter of time. After that, well, I just didn’t really care anymore.”

She couldn’t help herself. There was an edge to his voice she’d never heard before. It sounded darkly dangerous, and very sexy. “So it doesn’t bother you at all?”

“It did, at first,” he growled. “When I found out, but not because of what she’d done. Only that she’d done it behind my back, rather than just come out and tell me she wanted a divorce.”

“Did she say anything after?”

“No, what was there to say?” he said simply, before reaching down for his cocktail and bringing it up to his mouth. Cassandra’s mouth dried as he swallowed the colourful contents of the glass, his head arching back and the muscles of his neck rising and falling while the first drops of perspiration rolled down his skin.

Cassandra’s nails bit into her palms. They were close enough for her to lean in and lick up the drops.

“Do you blame yourself for… what happened?”

“No.” He shrugged, then laughed. He actually laughed, a deep rich sound that rolled over her like dark chocolate. “We just married too young, settled down too soon, then grew apart. Becky wanted one thing, and I wanted another.”

Their eyes met, and the contact sent a fresh wave of heat and awareness ebbing through her. Instinctively, she looked away. “So… what are you drinking? “

“This?” He raised the near empty glass, almost as if he was toasting her. “It’s a Tequila Sunset.”

Cassandra arched a brow. “Isn’t it a bit early?”

“I won’t tell if you don’t,” David shrugged, his eyes bright with mischief. “And hey, when in Spain…”

“But isn’t Tequila Mexican?”

“Smart ass,” he grinned ruefully. “Actually, the indigenous Mexican Indians brewed a fermented liquor from the same plant. What we know as Tequila was concocted by the Conquistadors after their brandy ran out, making Tequila actually Spanish and Spain’s only indisputable, worthwhile contribution to western civilisation. Just the thing for out here in the tropics. All the kick, but none of the mess.”

He raised the glass to finish it, but at the sight of the drink swirling within the glass, Cassandra couldn’t resist. “Could I try? Just a sip.”

“My dear girl, there’s nothing but a sip left.”

“Please Mr Street, I left my water in the kitchen and it’s so warm out here…” she asked sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

Tempting minx

David cursed inwardly, his cock twitching at her little act. Dammit, the thing would start hurting if he didn’t get out of here. Forcing his smile to stay in place, he shifted ever so slightly to pass her the glass. “Help yourself.”

And that was when she saw it.

It was only a momentary glance as she reached to take the offered drink, but it was enough. Enough for her to note the bulge straining against his thigh through the fabric of his shorts, thick and huge. Enough to send a shiver racing through her and to have her grabbing the offered cocktail, downing it in one go.

God, had she done that to him?

Then their eyes met again, over the rim of the empty glass, and the warmth of the spirit raced down to burn between her legs. It made her brave, ready to take a leap.

Still holding his gaze, she lowered the glass back to the ground, before slowly sliding her tongue across her lips, collecting the last of the fruit-laced bravery there. Then, moaning a throaty purr, she asked, “Mr Street, would you mind putting some sunscreen on my back for me?

David’s blood ran cold at the question.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Cass. "

Yes, that was it. Cass was the name he always used when he was playing the role of the adult. That was what he needed now, to be an adult, to set boundaries. To get the hell out of here and back to his office before he did something really stupid.

However, Cassandra glimpsed his other head twitching against its prison.