Moaning in agonised pleasure, Tracey lifted her hips and started rubbing against the man above her, all her self-doubt and nervousness forgotten. She didn’t care anymore. All she wanted was this beast inside her, to feel him filling her, stretching her so completely she’d be ruined for other men. But still he continued to take his time, sucking first her right breast, then her left, before laying a trail of soft butterfly kisses down to her abdomen as he settled between her legs.

She all but screamed as a mini orgasm crashed over her when one large finger rubbed down the centre seam of her jeans, tracing along her swollen folds. “Please… Mr Burton?”

“Please what, Tracey?” Mark teased, sliding the offending finger up and down the garment’s crotch a few times before fingering the fastenings. “What do you want, sweetheart?”

“Do it?”

“Do. What?” He drew out each word with sultry emphasis before undoing the buttons. Catching the zipper between his teeth, he dragged it down, opening her up to his gaze.

“Stick your cock in me!” Tracey all but screamed it, hot, embarrassed, needy tears burning the corners of her eyes. But she didn’t care. She needed this. Had needed it for so long. She didn’t want to wait anymore. She wanted him. “Fuck me!”

“Good girl.” Mark removed her jeans and panties with a practised ease, tugging them both down and off her long willowy legs before casting them aside. Then he was once more hovering over her. Tracey had never felt so small and vulnerable, compounded by her own nakedness while he was still fully clothed. As much as she needed to feel him inside her, she wanted to ogle and worship his flesh, to see him in all his virile male glory-

Stars burst before her eyes as two fingers slipped inside her. Her whole body seemed to ripple around the very new and unexpected presence inside her. The teen’s hips lifted from the bed to press his fingers deeper inside her hot channel. She moaned wantonly when they curled, rubbing a spot that made her thrash in ecstasy. But then his thumb began lavishing attention upon her clit, flicking and circling the way his tongue had teased her nipple, and it all quickly became too much. He seemed to know exactly where to touch her, what she wanted before she did, and the tightness, the knot in her centre, warned she would spill over the brink at any moment.

Only she didn’t. Just when she was on the edge, an orgasm surging up to swallow her, he pulled his hand back.

“No!” Eyes widening, her whole body arched to follow him, and she threw a pleading hand out to try and drag him back between her legs, but it did no good. Grinning like the devil, Mr Burton brought his fingers up to her eyes, coated with juices, her juices, before licking them clean. He’s…tasting me. The idea was as erotic as the show of his tongue slithering out to lap at each of his fingers in turn, and she suddenly longed to take those fingers into her mouth and suck them clean herself.

With her thoughts foggy and so close to release, she made no move to resist as the warmth of his breath washed across her abdomen, tickling her sex, before his tongue parted her folds and slid into her core, sending tendrils of pleasure through every nerve in Tracey’s body.

“Mr Burton…Ah…Ah!” Tracey gasped, seizing fistfuls of his ebony mane, her hips rolling into his mouth when his teeth gently scraped her clit. “Oh God...urmph...” She could feel his tongue swirling around inside her, stroking and lashing her velvety inner walls as her nectar flowed into his open mouth. Yet it was the way he was staring up at her from between her legs, his eyes dark and burning, that she found the most carnal, pushing her closer and closer to her desired peak. And when he suddenly switched tact to suckling her small bundle of nerves with a low rumbling, something finally broke. “Uh-uh-uh-uh-oh…God! Ah-Ah-Ah…Cumming! I’m cumming!”

Then her vision turned white and melted away.

“Mmm… that was fantastic, sweetheart. You were amazing.”

The words dragged her from a post-orgasm haze more effectively than a bucket of ice water. Blinking through the fog, Tracey awoke to find Amanda Burton standing over her. Her hair was down, a fall of soft and silky raven curls that tumbled more than halfway down her back. She’d changed out of her work clothes into a little silk robe that was tied at the waist and stopped much higher than her knees. It did nothing to hide her matching black stockings.

“Mrs Burton? What are you-”

“Shhh…” Amanda put a silencing finger to the girl’s lips. “Just relax, the best is still to come.”

Tracey obeyed and didn’t utter a word, only gave a nervous nod, her heart fluttering at the prospect of what she had in store for her.

Amanda’s smile broadened. “Good girl.” Then she turned from her to face the base of the bed where her husband stood, shirtless, in all his male glory. Stepping in close, so he towered over her, she brought the hand that had silenced their newest toy up to brush a feather softly along one bicep. She gave him a long look over, from toe to head, and then back down to linger on a point of immense interest. “Was it good for you too?”

Catching her hand in his, he brought it up to his mouth and kissed each of her fingers. “I was just having a little fun, love.”

The kiss came hard and fast. His lips claiming her mouth with a singular passion, drawing her in deep, while his free arm hooked around her waist and spun her so that as he sat down on the edge of the bed, she landed in his lap.

She knew she shouldn't, that this night was for Tracey, but when her husband’s tongue found her own, Amanda couldn’t resist kissing back, wanting to absorb the sweetest sensations that only he could stir inside her with just the faintest touch. Drawing her in close, Mark hooked a finger through her robe, tugging the belt loose before slipping a hand through the folds to cup one of her breasts.

She gasped when he twisted her nipple, just hard enough for her to relish the cocktail of pleasure and pain, and then pushed him away. “No!”

He arched a brow. “Tease.”

Breathing hard, Amanda had to resist the urge to kiss that cocky grin from his ridiculously handsome face. “Later, dear… this is for Tracey, remember.”

At the mention of her name, Tracey could only nod her agreement, her eyes wide and mouth dry. She had seen other people kiss before, of course, but there had been something so raw and primitive between the Burtons. It was hot. She wanted more and watched on, unabashed, as Mrs Burton got to her feet and let her robe fall to the floor.

The sight of the older woman’s naked bounty brought a tinge of pink to the girl’s cheeks as she struggled to decide where to look. She also couldn't help feeling somewhat inadequate by comparison. Amanda's breasts were larger, her body better defined, with a full sexy arse and long smooth legs that gave her a feline grace as she prowled up the bed on all fours. A stalking panther ready to pounce.

“Now let's get your lesson underway,” Amanda teased in a breathy, sensual tone that sent tingles down Tracey’s spine, before leaning in.

“Mrs Burton…” The kiss took Tracey completely off guard. It wasn’t the chaste, almost motherly kiss she had grown accustomed to. No, this was hot and hungry, as the older woman practically devoured her with such demand that it would not be denied. It was such a strange feeling, but very pleasant and a little bit naughty. Tracey had never entertained thoughts about kissing another woman before, not even for experimentation purposes, but if this is what it was always like, she liked it. And with the sexual energy coursing through the room, she voluntarily succumbed to the older woman’s wiles.

The kiss ended as quickly as it began, and Tracey’s eyes fluttered open to find the Burton’s sitting around her.