Page 95 of Fought and Freed

Torr took advantage and kicked the creep in the nuts, sending him to the ground.

The girls took the opening and bolted to the car, taking off.

They got away from the campus before Torr pulled over, unable to drive farther. She was shaking and in tears.

Maddy wasn’t comfortable driving yet, so she did the only thing possible. She called Lucca and Cody for help.

Lucca was the first to arrive. He pulled up behind Torr’s car and ran over to the driver’s side, yanking open the door.

Torr threw her arms around him.

“What happened?” Lucca demanded. “Maddy, whose blood is that?”

When she called the guys, she didn’t tell them what happened, she just told them where to go and that she needed them.

Before she could answer Lucca, Cody’s truck screeched to a stop in front of theirs. He jumped out of the truck, ran over to Maddy’s side, and threw open the door.

He saw the blood and growled, pulling her out of the car to search for a wound.

“It’s not mine. I’m not hurt,” she said quickly.

“What happened? Who did you stab?” Lucca asked again.

She looked down at her hands, having forgotten she still held the bloody knife, and she quickly put it away. “Some dick pinned Torr to the side of the building. He was there to deliver a message that Mike hadn’t forgotten about me. He recognized Torr, though, and he was going to take her. I couldn’t let that happen, so I stabbed him, then Torr kicked him in the nuts.”

“Shit, I’ll get Harry to go see if he can find the guy.” Lucca looked at Cody. “Was he with you today?”

When Cody had his talk with Harry before he started training Maddy, he liked the guy, and Harry started working with Cody on the house he was flipping.

Cody nodded. “Yeah, he’s not too far away.”

Lucca stepped away and called Harry.

Maddy bent to peer at Torr through the car. She was sitting in the driver’s seat, still shaking and crying.

Maddy straightened and turned to Cody. “I’m going to try to calm down Torr.”

She walked over to the driver’s side and hunched down.

“How are you doing?” Maddy asked softly.

Torr sniffled. “Just freaking out a little. How about you?”

Maddy wiped her bloody hand on her pant leg. “I’m good.”

When Lucca got off the phone, Cody pulled Maddy away. “I’m taking you home.”



Cody didn’t say a word as he drove them home, but by the way he gripped the steering wheel, he was furious.

They pulled into the driveway and got out, silently walking into the house.

Maddy immediately headed to the kitchen to wash the blood from her hands. Her hands shook with the after-effects of adrenaline as she scrubbed under her nails to eliminate every trace of the crazy man from her body.

She was grateful, now, that she hadn’t waited to restart her training. If not for Harry putting her through her paces, she might have frozen up, and the situation could have ended badly.