They each walked up and shook my uncle’s hand.
“Please, call me Sal. Take a seat.” Sal sat at the head of the table with Lucca on his right, then Torr.
Ryder sat next to Maddy, with Cody to the other end, then Jace and Skylar.
A waitress came and took their drink orders.
Sal turned to Maddy. “Nipote told me you grew up in an orphanage in Martainville, Ohio, I think.”
Maddy took a drink of her wine. “Yes.”
“Her time there wasn’t pleasant,” Skylar interjected.
“I heard that little dick, Mihail Pavlenko, was there during your time.” Sal’s face darkened. “I’m sorry you got brought into this and for everything that has happened to you, nipotina. It was a life your mother wouldn’t have wanted for you. My sorella would be proud of everything you’ve accomplished.”
“It’s been a rough road, but I wouldn’t change anything,” Maddy said. “It made me realize the only way to get out was to get a scholarship.”
He took a sip of wine. “My sorella always wanted her children to go to school. Nipote also told me that he had to persuade the dean to let you take some make-up tests so you can continue on?”
She glanced over at Lucca, who shrugged his shoulders. “Yes, I missed a lot of school when I was kidnapped, then when I checked into rehab. Lucca convinced them to let me take the finals. I just got the results back and haven’t had time to tell everyone. I passed all my classes with a B.”
“That’s great, baby girl,” Jace said.
“Knew you could do it,” Skylar boasted.
“Told you not to worry,” Cody teased.
“Way to go, Maddy!” Ryder cheered.
Sal lifted his wine glass. “Congratulation, nipotina.”
“Thank you, everyone. I couldn’t have done it without all of you.” She looked around the table. “My family.”
Her uncle raised his glass higher. “To famiglia.”
Everyone followed suit. “To famiglia.”
Sal eyed Maddy as he draped a napkin on his leg. “Lucca said you spent a few years with Ryan?”
She smiled. “Yes, I did. He taught me to stand up for myself and that I was worth something. When he died, I almost did, too, but Mrs. Jones got me back on track.”
Sal nodded in sympathy. “She was Maria’s best friend, right?”
“Yes, I guess Mom asked her to watch out for me,” Maddy replied.
“Well, now you have me.” Sal reached out and patted her hand. “I hope you all don’t mind, but I had my chef prepare my favorite.”
Cody looked around. “Is this your place?”
Sal straightened with pride. “One of many. Which one of you owns a construction company?”
Jace leaned forward. “That’s my father. It does well, and when he retires, I’ll take over.”
Sal shifted his focus to Jace. “For too long, the Moretti name meant terror. I have been trying to change that for the last few years with Lucca’s help. I’ve been slowly changing from illegal dealings to legit ones. I have many ideas, and I could use a good construction company, but for now, let’s eat.”
The waiter and waitress came out and placed the food in front of them. It smelled wonderful.
A man in a chef uniform stood beside Sal. “Tonight, I present you with Pasta Woozie. It’s grilled chicken, fresh fettuccine, house Alfredo, and fresh spinach. Next, we have our traditional lasagna, and finally, our lobster ravioli.”