Page 74 of Fought and Freed

Torr kissed Lucca, waved at everyone else, and collected her luggage before heading into her house.

When the limo pulled up in front of Maddy’s home, Lucca got out with them, and Maddy turned to her brother. “Do you want to come in for a while?”

He chuckled. “Aren’t you sick of me yet?”

Maddy shook her head. “Never.”

“I’d really love to, but I better go home and check up on things.”

She hugged him. “Thanks for inviting us. I had fun.”

“It was nice knowing there was someone there cheering me on.” He grinned at everyone. “Thanks for coming.”

The guys all said goodbye to Lucca, congratulated him on his win, and he slid back into the limo.

As it was pulling away, he rolled down the window and shouted, “I’ll make sure Harry gets a hold of you!”

Cody stared at Maddy, his blue eyes suspicious. “Who’s Harry?”

Well, that didn’t take long. “Harry is Lucca’s friend. I met him when I went to a game. He’s going to spar with me and help me get back into shape while teaching me self-defense.”

She bit her bottom lip, waiting for Cody and Skylar to go off.

Cody stopped walking toward the house, truly confused. “Why can’t you spar with us?”

“I didn’t want to interrupt your lives, and you’d all go easy on me,” she explained. “I used to work out with Ryan all the time, and I need to get back into shape. Harry won’t take it easy on me.”

Skylar puffed up. “I want to meet this Harry kid.”

“If it will make you feel better, there’s no reason for you not to meet him.” Maddy rubbed her temple. “Now I have a headache and want to lie down before my NA meeting.”

“You’re going tonight?” Jace put down his suitcase. “Aren’t you exhausted?”

“This might be the last one. I did okay with New Year’s Eve and the after-game party. It didn’t make me want drugs.” Maddy bit her lip. “But I want to check up on Grant.”

“I’ll go with you,” Cody said.

“Leave your suitcase in the living room,” Skylar told her. “I’ll bring it up.”

“Thank you.” She headed up to her room.

She’d enjoyed her time away, but there was something nice about coming home.

* * *

That night, when they pulled up outside Pathways, the sidewalk where Grant usually waited was empty.

“Did you text him that you were coming tonight?” Cody asked.

Maddy sighed. “Yeah, and I tried to call him, but it went to voicemail.”

“I’ll go up and see if he’s inside.” Cody hopped out of the truck and walked up to the house, but a few minutes later, he returned with a frown on his face.

He opened the door and climbed in. “He’s not there, and they wouldn’t give me any information because I’m not on his approved list.”

“Well, I should be.” Maddy reached for the handle on her door.

Cody stopped her. “No one is.”