Page 72 of Fought and Freed

“Relax, big brother. You had some good moves.” Skylar stood and walked over to him. “It’s okay to let loose occasionally. You’ve been taking care of me all my life. I can take over from here.”

They didn’t understand that it had always been his job to watch out for everyone. Skylar was always doing shit that he had to get him out of.

But when he looked around at his friends and family, he realized Skylar was right. His brother was an adult now, and he didn’t need Cody to watch over him all the time.

The asshole seemed to have his life figured out. Now, it was Cody’s turn to do the same.

“We were all having fun,” Maddy added. “You weren’t the only one acting like a drunk fool.”

“I know, little one.” He pulled her against him. “I need to learn to have fun.”

She touched his chest. “Being a protector is part of who you are, but it was also nice seeing you let go.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon by the indoor pool or lounging around. Most of Lucca’s friends headed home with the team, but Lucca stayed with them. He wanted to go to the beach.

That night, Jace accompanied Maddy to another NA meeting.

When they returned an hour later, Maddy could barely walk on her own, and she kept rubbing her eyes.

She looked at Jace. “Please tell me I didn’t snore in the middle of the meeting?”

Jace chuckled. “No, you just drooled all down my arm.”

Maddy stopped and stared at Jace like an owl before she dropped her head to his shoulder.

“Calm down.” He laughed. “I’m joking.”

She straightened and slapped him. “That’s not funny, Jace.”

He kept laughing. “The look on your face was hilarious!”

She poked him in the side. “And here I thought Skylar was the jokester of the group.”

Skylar yawned and covered his mouth. “Jace can have my role for tonight. I’m too tired.”

“I’m proud of you for going to the meeting after all the excitement,” Cody told her.

The night before had left everyone exhausted, plus they had to get up early to head out.

Maddy smiled at him. “It felt good.”

They spent the next hour packing so all they’d have to do was grab last-minute items the next morning and turned in early for the night.

* * *

When they checked out of the hotel in the early hours of the next day, they discovered Lucca had swapped out their minivan for an SUV.

Skylar took one look at it and smiled. “Now, this is more my style.”

Lucca laughed. “Like I would drive anywhere in that minivan.”

“It was all they had,” Cody grumbled.

They drove the hour to the beach, stopped, and ate lunch.

The hotel they booked was right on the ocean, and Torr and Lucca got their own room. The two rooms booked for the rest of them had connecting doors.

As soon as Maddy entered the room, she rushed outside to the balcony, and her guys followed right behind her.