Page 67 of Fought and Freed

“These people didn’t go to the parade,” Jace mentioned. “There’s not much time between the two.”

Being in crowds was one of the things Maddy had been working on getting better at with Dr. Hayes. This would be the first time she’d been able to put what she’d learned into practice.

They reached the gate and handed their tickets to the ticket agent.

He scanned them. “You’re in one of our boxes. Let me get someone to take you up there.” He motioned to the left. “Step through the gate and stand off to the side, please.”

Cody looked at Torr. “Boxes? How did your boyfriend get us in a box?”

Torr shrugged. “Lucca didn’t tell me anything about it.”

A guy came up to them. “Are you the group waiting on the box?”

When they nodded, he took them up ramps into an open area where a food buffet was set up. There were a lot of people with Husky colors standing around.

He led them outside and showed them to the table. “You have tables four-oh-four and five-oh-three. If you need something to drink, just hit this button, and someone will come to take your order. Please help yourself to the buffet and enjoy the game.”

He left them there, and the guys looked at each other.

“Holy shit, this is awesome,” Ryder said as he looked around.

“I’m going to go get something to eat,” Skylar said. “I’m starving.”

“I’ll come with you.” Ryder followed him.

Torr and Maddy took a seat. Their tables were right on the fifty-yard line. On the table was a small TV, so they didn’t miss any action.

“Excuse me, are you Maddy?” asked a lady at the table to their right.

Maddy’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Yes?”

“I’m Ava.” She held out her hand, and Maddy shook it automatically. “James Peterson’s mom— Sorry, he goes by Ace. I’m Ace’s mom.”

“Oh, hi.” Maddy’s confusion cleared. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Lucca has become like a son to us in the last four years. We were shocked to find out he had a sister.” Ava’s eyes softened. “That boy keeps everything close to his chest, but in the last month, I’ve seen such a change in him. It has to be because of you.”

“I don’t know about that, but I’m glad I found him.” Maddy placed a hand on Torr’s shoulder. “This is my friend, Torr. She’s Lucca’s girlfriend. Torr, this is Ace’s mom.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Torr nodded in greeting. “Ace’s a great guy.”

“These are my boyfriends, Cody and Jace.” Maddy pointed around the table. “Ryder and Skylar are getting food.”

Cody and Jace stood to shake Ava’s hand.

“Ace mentioned you had an unusual relationship. Good for you, honey.” She grinned at Maddy. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your friends. It was nice meeting you.”

Maddy returned her smile. “It was nice meeting you, too.”

Skylar and Ryder returned with plates full of food and set them on their table. “You won’t believe all the food that’s up there.”

“It looks good.” Maddy licked her lips. “I’m hungry.”

They enjoyed the food and drinks, and Maddy was a little buzzed by the time the game started.

The game was nerve-wracking.

The Huskies got the first touchdown, but the Sundogs got one right behind them. By halftime, the Sundogs were up by two touchdowns.