Page 57 of Fought and Freed

“Great things come in small packages.” He opened it and pulled out a piece of paper.

Ryder leaned across her for a better look. “What does it say?”

His eyes narrowed a bit in confusion. “It’s confirmation for two tickets for any show in New York.”

“You pick the show, and we’ll spend a weekend in New York,” Maddy explained and bit her lip as she waited for his reaction.

A big smile formed on Jace’s face. “This is great! I can’t wait.”

“This is from me, Silk.” Ryder handed her a rectangular box.

She opened it, and inside was a necklace with the eternity symbol around a heart covered in tiny diamonds.

“It’s beautiful, Ryder. Can you put it on me?” She turned her back to him and handed him the box.

He slipped the necklace around her neck and kissed her shoulder. “I love you for eternity,” he said near her ear.

“I love you for eternity, too.” She turned back around and kissed him before reaching into her bag for his present, handing him an envelope. “You were the hardest to shop for.”

He opened the envelope, and his eyes widened when he saw the two-thousand-dollar gift card to the art store.

His eyes widened. “Maddy, this is too much.”

“Not really,” Maddy countered. “Art supplies are expensive.”

“Thank you so much.” He leaned forward to kiss her. “I really needed some new stuff.”

“My turn.” Cody handed her an envelope.

She opened it and gasped, her eyes snapping up to meet his. “I can’t do this.”

“Yes, you can,” Cody reassured her.

“What is it?” Skylar begged.

Maddy stared down at the invitation. “He got me an art show for April.”

“Wow, that’s great!” Skylar cheered.

“You can put up all your art from the rehab center.” Ryder pointed to where the paintings still leaned against the wall. “Those are powerful pieces.”

Maddy shook her head in disbelief.

“You have time to think about it,” Cody said.

Maddy felt bad that he probably thought she didn’t like his present. She stood and walked over to him. “I don’t want you to think I don’t like your gift because I do. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I’m just scared nobody will like my art.”

Cody swept a piece of her hair from her shoulders and placed his hand there. “That’s not possible. Your art is amazing. If anyone doesn’t like it, then screw them. And if you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for us, because we love your art.”

Maddy looked up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “Thanks for the gift.” She smiled and handed him the bag she held. “This is for you.”

He pulled out the new boxing gloves and shorts and gaped at them. “Maddy, these are the best you can buy.”

“That’s what the salesperson said.” Maddy tapped his muscular chest. “I wanted the best for you.”

He put the gloves on. “I can’t wait to use them.”

Everyone was in a good mood after the Christmas gift exchange.