Cody took one more look at his brother and headed back to his room.
“I’ll stay and keep an eye on him.” Jace pulled her in for a kiss. “Goodnight, baby girl.”
Maddy hugged him tight. “Night, Jace.”
“Good night,” Ryder said to Jace as he and Maddy walked out into the hall.
“Where did you find him?” she asked.
His head dropped, and he shoved his hands into his pockets. “At some dive bar.”
“Not the one you work at?” When he hesitated, Maddy’s stomach tightened. “What were you doing there?”
“I was driving past and saw Skylar’s bike.” Ryder glanced toward his room. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m beat, and I need to take a shower. Can we talk later?”
Sadness filled Maddy. “Yeah, sure.”
“Thanks.” He kissed her cheek before heading to his room.
Cody was right. Something was up with him.
But that was something else to put in a box to examine later.
Maddy headed back to her room alone and shut her door before crawling into bed, hugging the pillow Jace had been using.
* * *
The next morning came way too early.
A quick freshen-up in the bathroom revealed bags under Maddy’s eyes from a restless night, and she pinched her cheeks to bring some color into them. She still looked exhausted, but there wasn’t much else she could do.
Once she dressed, she checked in on Jace and Skylar.
They were both still sleeping, and she quietly closed the door before she headed downstairs to find something to eat.
When she entered the kitchen, she found Cody sitting at the island, drinking coffee.
“Morning, little one.” He studied her face. “You look tired. Are you sure you want to do this today?”
She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a Dr. Pepper. “Time is running out. We’re leaving tomorrow.”
“I can take you later today, so you can go back to sleep,” he offered.
She walked over to him and placed her hand on his chest. “You’re kind, but I’ll sleep a bit when I come back. Can you think of anything I need other than just about everything?”
“Suitcase.” His brow furrowed as he thought. “Umm, maybe a swimsuit, if we go swimming in the hotel?”
She leaned against his broad shoulder. “There’s so much to buy.”
“Just get what you need for this trip, and we’ll get everything else later.” He rubbed her back. “If you forget something, we can always pick it up there.”
The doorbell rang, and Maddy straightened. “That’s Torr. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Try to have fun.” He released her. “Call me if you need anything.”
She kissed Cody, then made sure she had her wallet in her pocket as she headed for the front door.
This would be the first time she’d gone shopping where she didn’t have to worry about money.