Grant chased after her. “What’s wrong?”
How dare she show her face in public after what she did? She should be in jail, not walking around free.
She grabbed the blonde’s bicep. “What the hell are you doing here, Amber?”
Amber yanked her arm free and took a step back. “Gee, Maddy, I knew you were stupid, but daaaamn. Why do you think I’m here?”
A blond woman who looked like an older version of Amber came over. “Let go of my daughter, you whore.”
“Excuse me?” Maddy glared at the woman. “I don’t even know who you are, so you must be referring to your daughter as the whore here.”
“Maddy, what’s going on?” Grant’s eyes bounced between the three of them.
“Oh, I know who you are.” The woman’s lip curled with disgust. “You’re the whore who stole my daughter’s fiancé.”
So this was Amber’s mom. Why was it not shocking to find out she was an addict, too? The whole family had their fingers in drugs.
“Fiancé?” Maddy threw her head back and laughed. “You mean the fiancé she tried to drug? Or the fiancé who she blackmailed into dating her?” She glared at Amber. “Why the Hell aren’t you in jail?”
“I didn’t have to force Skylar to leave you. He did it willingly.” She looked over at Grant and sneered. “Looks like you traded down. Did Skylar leave your skanky ass again for someone better?”
Maddy lunged for Amber, but Brian, the man who ran the meetings, stopped them. “Ladies, you need to leave. There’s no fighting here.”
“I can’t leave. I have to be here.” Amber turned to him with wide, innocent eyes. “I’ve been coming here every Thursday for weeks. Make her leave.”
Brian stood unmoved by her pretense. “Please leave, or I’ll have to call the cops.”
Grant pulled on Maddy’s arm. “Come on, let’s go.”
As Maddy let Grant usher her toward the entrance, Amber continued to beg Brian to let her stay, but he stood firm.
They stepped out into the parking lot at the same time Amber and her mom caught up to them, and Amber’s mom grabbed her arm, spinning Maddy around. “If you screwed up Amber’s plea deal because of your jealousy, you will regret it.”
Amber’s aunt had been running an illegal fighting ring and pumping her fighters full of steroid. Amber had been drugging Skylar at the same time, and there was only one way she could have gotten out of those charges.
Maddy ripped her arm out of her hold. “Plea deal? You turned on your aunt to keep your ass out of jail?”
“Mind your own business, whore.” Amber stabbed a finger at her. “And tell Skylar I need to talk to him. It’s important.”
Maddy got in Amber’s face. “No way in Hell will I tell Skylar a damn thing about you.”
Feet pounded the pavement toward them.
Dammit, she was hoping Skylar would be too distracted with Jace and stay in the Jeep.
“He’s going to wa—” Amber looked past her and smirked. “Forget it. I’ll tell him now.”
“Amber, what the Hell are you doing here?” Skylar stopped by Maddy and wrapped his arm around her waist.
Amber put her hand on her hips. “Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”
“Maybe because he doesn’t want to talk to you,” Jace said.
Amber’s head snapped toward him. “Shut up, fag.”
Skylar went from relaxed to rigid. “Don’t you call my boyfriend a fag.”
“Wait.” Her gaze bounced between the three of them before ending on Maddy. “The rumors are true? You suck so bad in bed that you turned Skylar gay?”