“Yes, I’d like that.” Maddy leaned against Lucca. “I feel so bad about what happened to him. It’s my fault he got killed. I asked him to keep an eye out on Ms. Jones.”
“It’s not your fault.” Lucca rubbed Maddy’s back. “He was a grown man, and he understood what was at stake. Viper would be upset that you’re blaming yourself for his death. He liked you. He wanted to teach you to protect yourself, but I told him it was too soon. I regret that it took what Mike did to you for me to realize he was right.”
“I used to be in better shape. Ryan would be so disappointed in me.” Maddy pulled back to meet her brother’s gaze. “Do you have someone who can help me get back into shape? I don’t just mean physically. I used to be good at throwing my knife.” New sadness swelled within her. “I guess the knife Ryan gave me is gone now.”
Torr came back out of the bathroom. “Why don’t you ask Cody or Skylar to train you?”
Maddy shook her head. “I love them, but they’d go easy on me. It would be like Lucca teaching you how to fight.”
Torr nodded in agreement.
Lucca rubbed his chin. “Do you remember Harry?”
“I think he’s the one from the football game?” She glanced at Torr, who nodded.
“He’d be a good fit for you.” Lucca’s assessing gaze swept over. “He’s thin, but he’s a good fighter. I made him my second, after Viper.”
“Believe me, he won’t go easy on you.” Torr rubbed her biceps. “He’s been teaching me.”
That was exactly what Maddy needed. Someone who wouldn’t go easy on her. “Good.”
They left Maddy’s room and headed downstairs.
Lucca glanced at Maddy. “Uncle Salvatore will be around at the end of January. He’d like to meet you.”
“I’d like that.” Maddy had gone from having no one to having an entire family, and it filled her with so much gratitude. “Just let me know when he’ll be here, and we’ll meet up.”
Maddy caught Torr’s hand, tugging her away from Lucca. “Why don’t you play some pool with the guys so Torr and I can have some girl’s time?”
“Torr and I have to get back to my place so we can spend a few more hours together while I pack. The team is leaving for California tonight.” Lucca gives Maddy a half smile. “I’d really like you to come, but I understand that it’s short notice.”
Maddy turned to her friend. “Are you going to California?”
Torr shrugged. “Mom said I can go if you do, and we get our own room.”
Maddy turned to ask her guys. “What do you all think?”
“Hell, yeah!” Skylar jumped up. “I want to go!”
Jace nodded eagerly. “I’ve always wanted to see that parade up close.”
“My house flip can wait.” Cody grinned. “It sounds like fun.”
Ryder closed his eyes, his head moving from side to side in thought. When his eyes opened, he smiled at her. “I’ll probably regret this, but count me in.”
Cody scowled at the other man. “Well, you don’t have to come.”
“Screw you, Cody,” Ryder snarled. “I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it.”
“How would I know?” Cody stepped toward him, his chin jutting out. “You’ve been acting like a douchebag recently.”
“Guys, enough. Can you do this later?” Maddy rolled her eyes, then looked at her brother. “You can count us in.”
“Good, ’cause I already got you guys a suite at the local hotel where we’ll be staying.” Lucca wagged a finger at her. “Don’t give me that look, Maddy. If I didn’t, there wouldn’t have been any rooms left.”
“I’ll forgive you this time,” she huffed.
“How about one more time?” He gave her a smug look. “I also got the airline tickets. You’re leaving this Friday, the thirtieth, at nine am. The tickets are at will call under your name, Maddy.”