Page 24 of Fought and Freed


Someone was making bacon.

She rolled out of her bed and ran to her closet, throwing on a pair of sweats and grabbing a top.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard Cody talking to someone other than Ryder and hurried toward the kitchen.

Cody stood at the stove with a spatula, monitoring a spitting pan of bacon while talking to his younger brother, Skylar, who leaned against the counter.

As she stepped inside, Skylar’s blue eyes shifted to her. “Damn, you’re a sight for sore eyes, Princess.”

Skylar set down the coffee cup in his hand to open his arms, and Maddy raced right into them. “Skylar!”

He hugged her tight. “Damn, I missed you.”

“Missed you, too.” She took in every inch of his face, so like Cody’s, but younger. His curly, dark-blond hair was longer, and he looked tired but happy. “I didn’t expect you back so early.”

“He was ready to head home the second he got up,” Jace’s cheerful voice said from the doorway. “Truthfully, so was I.”

She turned in Skylar’s arms and took two steps into Jace’s waiting embrace, complete now that she had all her guys at home.

Skylar moved behind her and wrapped his arms around them both. “How are you feeling, Princess?”


Jace’s chocolate-brown eyes gazed down at her with worry. “No cravings?”

“No.” Maddy shook her head. “But Dr. Hayes wasn’t sure if I’d get any, since I didn’t realize I was taking the drug.”

“Makes sense. If you need to talk, I’ll be here for you.” With another squeeze, Skylar released them to return to his abandoned coffee.

“Thanks, I’m still going to all the meetings.” She smiled. “I can’t wait for you two to meet Grant.”

“Me, either.” Skylar rolled his eyes, and Cody smacked him.

Maddy stole Jace’s cup of coffee. “So, what’s the plan for today?”

“First, breakfast.” Cody dished bacon onto a paper towel-covered plate. “Then, in about an hour and a half, your brother and Torr are coming over. After that, our day is open.”

“I want to learn to drive,” she blurted out.

“Aaallll right.” Cody raised his eyebrow. “But right now isn’t the best time to learn. The roads are covered in snow.”

“That out there is not snow, Cody. That—” She pointed out the window. “—is a dusting. If you want to see snow, I’ll take you to Ohio, where there’s real snow.”

“You’ve made your point.” Cody grabbed the plate of bacon and another of eggs. “We can make plans to go to a parking lot and learn.”

Skylar and Jace walked her into the dining room, where Jace pulled out a seat for her to sit between the two of them. Someone had already set the table with plates and silverware, and a plate of toast sat at the center.

Cody came in with the rest of the food at the same time Ryder walked into the dining room, yawning.

“Morning, Silk.” He kissed the top of her head in passing.

She blushed at the memory of last night. “Hi.”

Cody took a spoonful of eggs. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yep.” She couldn’t bring herself to look at Ryder. “I was nice and toasty all night.”