Her beautiful green eyes shifted to him, and she popped up, wiping water from her face.
He stumbled to a stop next to the tub and let out a shaky breath. “What were you doing under the water?”
“Thinking.” She pushed her long hair back from her face. “Don’t worry about it.”
He knelt beside the tub. “Come here, Silk. I missed you so damn much.”
She hesitated. “I’ll get you all wet.”
“I don’t care.” He curled a hand behind her head and pulled her forward, slamming his lips against hers.
She let out one of her little moans that he loved so much, and as their tongues danced, he felt whole again.
When he pulled back, her cheeks were pink and her eyes dazed.
“Let’s get you all clean.” He grabbed a puff, soaped it up, and cleaned her body.
“Do you remember the last time I washed you?” He nibbled on her ear.
“I do. I enjoyed it very much,” she said, but she didn’t melt into his touch the way she usually did.
Something else was on her mind.
“Why didn’t you meet me outside the rehab?” She sounded sad.
He had hurt her. “I got my days mixed up and thought you were coming home tomorrow. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. Please believe I wanted to be. Things have been a little crazy.”
She popped some bubbles, not looking at him. “Why?”
He didn’t want to lie to her, so he tried to be evasive. “Huh?”
She peeked at him through her spiky, wet lashes. “Why have things been crazy for you?”
“I…umm…” He struggled for something to tell her. “I got a job, and I picked up a lot of hours while you were in rehab.”
Her eyebrows lowered. “Where are you working?”
“At a bar.” He smiled at her, trying to lift her mood. “I’m a bartender.”
Her nose wrinkled, and she still looked hurt. “Is that why you showered before coming in here? Because you didn’t want me to smell some woman’s perfume?”
He stopped washing her. “You heard Cody and me talking in the hall?”
“Yes. I didn’t mean to, but you both were loud.” She focused on the bubbles once more. “Why didn’t you tell them you got a job?”
Ryder leaned an arm against the side of the tub. “I’ve barely seen them, Silk. They’ve been up in Longville taking care of their father.”
“They’ve been worried about you, Ryder.” Her gaze sought his. “They say you’ve been distant.”
“I know, I have. There’s something I’ve been dealing with. I want to tell you—I really do—but I can’t just yet. I’d never cheat on you, though. You believe that, right?” He bit his bottom lip.
She had to realize how much he loved her.
“You know how I feel about keeping shit from each other. Especially after everything that happened with Mike.” She searched his face. “But I also realize you wouldn’t keep something from all of us unless it was important. Remember, the guys and I are here if you want to talk.”
Guilt crushed his heart. “I know.”