Page 159 of Fought and Freed

Lunging closer, he stabbed the knife into Cody’s leg, then twisted it viciously.

Cody screamed, and a big smile split Mike’s face.

As Cody’s screaming died down, Torr’s sobbing echoed through the warehouse.

Mike pulled the knife out and stabbed Cody again. Blood pooled on the floor beneath Cody’s feet.

Mike yanked the knife out and stepped back to set up his phone on a couple of boxes. “Ready for your big debut?”

He zoomed in on Torr, then over to Cody. “If you want to see them alive again, then meet me at 15 Thorn Road. Alone, Maddy. I’ll kill them both if I find out you told anyone.”

“Don’t come, Maddy!” Cody groaned out, but Mike turned off the recorder before the words fully left his lips.

“Aaaand, sent!” Setting the phone down, Mike walked closer to Cody. “I hope you live until she gets here, but if you don’t, I want you to know that, after I kill all of you, I’m going to fuck her before I kill her, so her last thought will be of me when she dies.”

Cody growled and pulled on the chain. “I’m going to kill you!”

He laughed at Cody’s futile struggles. “Behave while I wait for Maddy to show up.”

Jogging to the left, he ran up the stairs to a second story, followed by the bang of a door closing.

“Cody, are you all right?” Torr sobbed.

His head was getting fuzzy from the blood loss. “Not really.”

“Lucca has been making me practice getting myself out of different types of ropes.” She shifted around in her chair. “I think I’m almost free.”

She wormed around, and she freed both hands.

“Go…” Cody panted. “Get out of here.”

He was so dizzy. The pool of blood under his feet just kept growing.

Torr took off her sweater jacket and tied it around his leg where Mike stabbed him. Pain ripped through him as she tied it as tight as possible.

“Torr, you need to go,” he moaned through the pain. “You need to let them where we’ve been taken, or they might never find us. Go to the back, find a door or a window, and run.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want to leave you.”

“Don’t worry about me. I won’t give the asshole the satisfaction of killing me.” He gave her a weak smile. “I’ll make it. I swear.”

She nodded and took off for the back.

Cody could only hang there in complete pain. When Torr didn’t come back, Cody prayed she got out. Now, it was only a waiting game. He just hoped she found someone before Maddy arrived.

As the minutes passed, exhaustion crept in, and he found it harder to breathe. Blood soaked the sweater Torr tied around his leg, and he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore.

Cody lost track of time, or maybe, he passed out. He wasn’t sure which.

Boots hitting metal jarred him back to awareness, and he opened his eyes to find Mike walking back down the stairs.

As soon as he saw the empty chair, fury twisted his features. “Where’d the bitch go?”

Cody’s head lolled to the side. “She couldn’t stand your company anymore.”

Mike’s face turned red, and he swung at Cody, punching him in the jaw. He once again pounded the shit out of Cody.

When Mike stopped, he was out of breath.