Page 16 of Fought and Freed

“I better get inside.” She was reluctant to get off the phone with them, but the savory smells coming from the restaurant were driving her crazy. “I’m starving for a burger.”

“Go,” Jace said. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Hanging up, Maddy pocketed her phone and walked into the restaurant to join Grant and Cody.

It felt so good to be back in the real world again, with her guys within reach. Cody had been right when he said she was free.



Cody saw Maddy walking towards them, and his chest tightened.

God, she was beautiful. All long limbs and a mane of fiery red curls that flowed down to her waist. The time under Mike’s control had dimmed the fierce light in her green eyes, though, and she’d lost weight.

She looked healthier now but still so delicate that he worried how fast she would break under too much pressure.

She caught him staring and smiled, her face lighting up with love and almost hiding the red rim around her eyes from her tears earlier.

Damn Ryder for making him late and putting doubts in her mind that they wanted her. She was too fragile. They needed to be showering her with their love right now, not damaging her bruised trust.

When she reached their table, Cody got out of the booth to let her slide in, putting her on the inside where it was safer and allowing him room to stretch out his long legs.

He sat back down and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Grant scanned the menu. “What’s good here, Cody?”

“They’re known for their gourmet burgers.” Cody didn’t bother looking at the menu, since he already knew what he was ordering. “My favorite is the Everything Burger. It has hickory smoked bacon, grilled onions, mushrooms, green leaf lettuce, tomatoes, two different types of cheese, and a runny egg.”

“That’s certainly everything.” Grant put down his menu. “I’ll just stick to a mushroom and Swiss.”

Maddy glanced at the menu and nodded. “I think I’ll have a bacon, mushroom, and Swiss.”

Cody glanced toward the front, eager to place their order, and saw the waitress heading toward them.

When she saw him looking her way, she gave him a sexy smile, her hips swaying in a way she probably thought would catch his eye, despite his arm around Maddy making it clear he wasn’t available.

Cody looked away with indifference and tightened his arm around his girl.

When the waitress stopped at their table, she stood close to Cody. Almost in his lap. He hated when girls did this. He had done nothing to warrant her advances.

Her leg brushed against his. “What can I get for you, sweety?”

Without looking at the waitress, he told her, “I want the Everything Burger with a side of fries.”

“I bet you do.” She dropped her voice, attempting to sound sultry, before taking Maddy’s and Grant’s orders and walking away.

“Some people are unbelievable,” Grant mumbled.

“Where you from, Grant?” he asked.

Grant swallowed. “I grew up in Freeport.”

Maddy’s brow wrinkled. “That’s the next town over, right?”

“Correct. My father is a preacher and didn’t like that his son was the devil he preached against, so he kicked me out. I couch-surfed, but it got tired quickly. I hitchhiked here and did whatever was necessary to put a roof over my head.” He lowered his head. “It wasn’t my proudest moment.”

“We’ve all done things we’re not proud of.” Maddy patted his hand. “It’s in the past.”