Page 14 of Fought and Freed

She rubbed her face against his shirt. “No charger.”

“I have one in the truck,” he assured her. “I’m sorry I’m late. School ran over, then I had to go back home to pick up Ryder. Skylar and Jace wanted to be here, but they have a meeting today. They plan on driving down here for the night, then getting up early in the morning and heading back.”

She sniffled. “No, that’s too much.”

“We figured you’d say that.” He smoothed a hand over her hair. “They’ll be calling soon.”

Sniffling, Maddy glanced at the truck, but the passenger seat was empty. “I thought you said you picked up Ryder. Where is he?”

A look crossed Cody’s face that Maddy wasn’t sure how to take. “He wasn’t at the house, and I waited as long as possible. That’s why I’m late.”

Cody shook his head. “Something’s been going on with him. He’s been distant, and when I ask what’s going on, he won’t say anything. Lucca said he and Torr are staying home today to give you time with us. They’ll be over tomorrow afternoon.”

Grant cleared his throat.

Embarrassed she forgot her friend, Maddy pulled back from Cody. “Oh, I’m sorry, Grant. Cody, this is my friend, Grant. He helped me get through everything.”

“Oh, hey, sorry about yelling earlier.” Cody held out his hand. “Thanks for being there for our girl on the inside. She told us several times about how you helped her deal with some stuff.”

Grant shook Cody’s hand. “More like the other way around.”

Maddy touched Cody’s arm, just to make sure he was really there. “I told Grant that you wouldn’t mind dropping him off at Pathways House, so he doesn’t have to pay for a taxi.”

Cody glanced at Grant. “That’s no problem.”

“Thanks.” Grant shifted uncertainly from foot to foot. “I never asked you, Maddy, but do you drive?”

“No, I wanted to get my permit.” Realizing how much of an issue that created, she cringed. “I’ll have to get the guys to take me to the meetings.”

Cody looked between them. “What meetings?”

“NA meetings.” Grant frowned. “It’s part of staying accountable.”

They both hated the thought of getting up in front of everyone and telling their story.

“Why don’t we take Grant to Pathways to check in?” Cody said. “After that, we can all go to an early dinner, then I can take you both to your meeting.”

“Are you sure?” Grant questioned.

Maddy smiled and touched Grant’s forearm. “I told you I’ll be there for you. Even if we’re not right next door to each other anymore, we’ll have our phones and can reach out whenever we need help.”

They all got in Cody’s truck, and Maddy grabbed the charger from the glove box and got her phone plugged in.

Cody punched in the address for Pathways House into his GPS and drove the short distance to Grant’s new residence.

When they pulled up in front of the residence, it just looked like any typical house from the outside.

“This shouldn’t take too long. If it does, leave, and I’ll see you another time.” Grant got out and walked up the steps to the place.

At the door, he turned, waved, then disappeared inside.

Cody pulled Maddy onto his lap. “I missed holding you.”

“I missed you, too.” She laid her head on his muscular chest.

“So, Grant?” Cody looked down at her. “What do you know about him? Why does he have to stay here, and you don’t?”

“Don’t go all Alpha Cody on him.” Maddy thumped him on the chest. “Grant is a good guy. He was homeless before he checked in to Sunny Days Rehab, and he’s been there for me.”