Page 139 of Fought and Freed

Afterward, Lucca showed Maddy where their mother was buried.

When he asked if she wanted to go with them to get something to eat, she thanked Lucca for everything he did for Grant, but the finality of burying Grant had worn her out.

She just wanted to go home and take a nap.

* * *

The following Saturday, Maddy was in the kitchen trying a recipe that she had trouble with in class. If she’d thought burnt popcorn smelled awful, she was not prepared for the smell of burnt caramel.

“Holy shit! Guys, you need to come in here!” Jace yelled from the living room.

Maddy made sure everything was turned off before heading into the living room.

“What are you yelling about, Jace?” Cody complained. “You should be quiet. Skylar’s still sleeping.”

The previous night, Amber had Braxton Hicks contractions and thought she was going into labor. He had left in a panic, then called after he reached the hospital to tell them it was a false scare and not to come. He hadn’t returned home until early in the morning, though.

Jace pointed excitedly at the TV. “You won’t believe what happened.”

He waited until everyone gathered around before he hit play.

The newsman came on. “They say it was a gas explosion that killed twenty-five people outside Madison. We were told the place belonged to Victor Palvenko. He was one of those confirmed dead.”

Maddy’s pulse quickened. Had she heard that right? Victor was dead?

Cody turned to stare at Maddy. “Do you think Lucca or your uncle did this?”

“I-I don’t know,” she stammered and took out her phone.

“Don’t ask him straight out,” Ryder cautioned.

She frowned. “Why?”

“His phone might be tapped,” Ryder explained.

“You’ve been watching too many cop shows,” Jace scoffed.

She dialed Lucca.

He answered on the second ring. “Hey, sis.”

“Hi, do you have the news on?” she asked.

“Yeah, I just saw what happened,” he said.

“Did anyone survive?” she asked, hoping he got what she was really asking.

“From the reports, it appears his son wasn’t there during the blast,” Lucca said in an even tone.

Dammit! She was hoping her problems had just been solved. “Thanks for the update. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye, Maddy.” Lucca hung up.

Ryder bounced on the couch. “What did he say?”

Maddy shoved her phone into her pocket. “Mike wasn’t there.”

“Shit.” Jace hit the couch. “Couldn’t be that easy.”