Page 114 of Fought and Freed

“Harry can give me a ride home once we get Honey settled,” Ryder said.

Cody clapped him on the shoulder. “Glad everything worked out. I’ll see you at home.”

It took a few hours, but Ryder got his sister situated in her new apartment.

Lucca was right. It was twice as nice as the one he could afford for her, and there was no peeled paint or bathtub that was black with dirt. Everything was polished and clean.

His sister would be much happier here.



“I can’t believe it’s April already,” Maddy said at breakfast. “Where did the time go?

“Are you ready for your art show?” Jace asked.

She scratched her head. “I have the prints I want to sell, so I guess. I’m scared about what people will say, though.”

“You’ll do great.” Ryder kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry.”

“We love the one you painted for us.” Cody pointed at the mantel, where the piece she’d created while in rehab hung.

“Has Grant been coming to work again?” Maddy cringed, afraid to hear the answer.

Grant had texted her shortly after the stuff with Honey went down, but their communication had been spotty. Cody said he had become even more unreliable at work over the last several months.

Cody rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, Maddy, but I had to send him home last week for being high, and he hasn’t been back since.”

“Can you take me to Pathways? I want to see if he’s still staying there.” She rubbed her hands together. “I have an awful feeling something bad happened.”

“I can take you now, but they most likely won’t give you any answers,” Cody cautioned. “Why don’t you drive us over?”

Maddy’s eyebrows shot up. “In your truck?”

Cody chuckled. “Jace, are you going anywhere?”

Smiling crookedly, Jace shook his head. “No, you can take the Jeep.”

Maddy was nervous as she drove them across town, her hands clenched tight on the steering wheel.

When she pulled up to the curb in front of Pathways, though, she managed not to hit the curb.

She released a deep breath and shook the cramps out of her hands.

“You did good,” Cody reassured her. “I think you’re ready for your test.”

Her eyes widened. “You think so?”

He grinned at her. “Yep.”

She smiled as they got out and walked up to the front door.

Inside, a middle-aged guy came over to them. “Can I help you?”

“We’re looking for Grant Turner,” Maddy told him

He rubbed his chin. “We haven’t seen him in about two weeks.”