Page 111 of Fought and Freed

Cody stood. “What’s wrong?”

“Dickhead found Honey.” Ryder moved past them to the side door, grabbing Jace’s keys. “They’re going door to door at the apartment complex. She said he brought some thugs with him.”

“We’re coming with you,” Skylar said.

Maddy pointed at Cody. “Don’t even think about telling me to stay home.”

Jace grabbed the keys from him. “You’re not in a condition to drive.”

They split up between the Jeep and Lucca’s truck, since it was blocking Cody’s truck.

Jace took the lead while Ryder gave them directions.

Before they reached the apartment building, they pulled over, and Lucca got out of his truck.

He strode over to Ryder’s side of the Jeep. “Do you want a gun? I have some with me.”

They looked at each other as uneasiness stirred in Ryder’s stomach. He couldn’t stand it if someone got hurt, but at the same time, there was no way for him to handle this alone.

Lucca put a hand on his arm. “No one will call the cops, not down in this area. Trust me, I’ll handle any cleanup.”

“For protection, yes, we’ll each take one,” Cody said.

“Have any knives?” Maddy asked.

Lucca smiled. “I started stocking them once I found out you like them.”

They climbed out and followed Lucca to the back of his truck, where he pulled out three guns and some knives for Maddy.

Lucca passed them around. “I hope you don’t mind, but I called Harry and a few of my guys for backup, since we don’t know who this guy has with him. Harry just texted that they beat us here and are waiting up near the apartment complex.”

His expression was grim. “There are five guys patrolling the outside, but Harry’s not sure how many are inside. There’s a car with two people in it. I say we leave the cars here and walk in.”

“Thanks, Lucca.” Ryder was glad Lucca was so organized because he was a mess right now.

“Anytime, bro, we’re family.” Lucca looked at Torr. “I want you to stay in the truck and keep your phone in your hand. If I give you the signal, drive to the edge of the parking lot and grab anyone you can and take them back to Cody’s house.”

“Okay.” She swallowed hard. “Be careful.”

“I love you.” Lucca helped her into the driver’s side of the truck before he turned back to the rest of them. “Let me go in first, then follow behind.”

Ryder stayed right behind Lucca.

It was weird walking down the street with guns in their hands. The few people they passed just stared at them or nodded in respect for Lucca.

There was a tree line right before the apartment building parking lot, and they used it as cover to get closer. The thugs Harry reported standing outside were visible through the bushes.

Lucca looked over at Ryder and the others before stepping out from behind the screen of trees.

Lucca took a shot and hit the leg of one of the guys.

Ryder rushed out behind him and ducked behind a blue car while the rest took cover behind the bushes.

Harry and three others came from the other side of the parking lot.

“That was a warning shot! The next one I take will kill!” Lucca yelled out in the open. “You’re a little out of your area, aren’t you, Gremlin?”

Someone yelled, “Hold fire!”