Page 103 of Fought and Freed

She handed him the glass before going upstairs to grab the thermometer and some aspirin, then walked back down.

“Here, put this in your mouth.” She shoved the thermometer in his face.

Worried, she sat down beside him.

The thermometer beeped, and when she plucked it from his lips, it read one hundred and one degrees.


Ryder groaned and pulled his shirt up over his mouth. “You need to get away from me, Silk. I don’t want to get you sick.”

“Everyone’s sick. I’m sure I already have it.” She shook two white pills out of the aspirin bottle. “Take these and lie down. We can watch a movie.”

He swallowed the pills, then used her leg as a pillow.

He coughed throughout the movie, and every time he did, Maddy heard rattling in his chest.

When he showed no sign of improvement by the time the credits rolled, Maddy picked up her phone and called Cody, who said he’d come as soon as possible.

She made Ryder let her up to fetch a cold washcloth for his head.

It was a good forty-five minutes before Cody arrived.

“Sorry that took so long,” he said as he came into the living room to help Ryder off the couch. “The inspector was at the job site, and I couldn’t leave.”

While Cody took Ryder to the clinic, she decided to make soup and texted Jace to bring home some egg noodles.

They had leftover chicken from the previous night’s dinner, so she had everything simmering on the stove when Jace arrived.

He set the bag of noodles on the counter. “Who’s sick?”

“Ryder.” Maddy turned the heat down to low to keep the soup simmering. “Cody took him to the clinic, but they should be back soon. I really need to go get my license instead of calling you guys all the time.”

Cody rubbed her back. “Whenever you’re ready, I’ll take you.”

She smiled. “Thanks, baby.”

“Anytime.” He peered into the stock pot. “Do you need any help with anything?”

“I’ve got everything under control.” She’d wait to add the noodles until Ryder was home, so they didn’t get soggy.

Worry filled Jace’s voice. “Did you get a flu shot when they gave them away at school?”

“I thought about it, but my phobia of all things hospital got in the way. If I get sick, I get sick.” She shrugged. “How was your day?”

Jace told Maddy all about his classes, keeping Maddy distracted until she heard Cody and Ryder return.

Maddy hurried out to the foyer. “What did they say?”

“Bronchitis.” Cody held up a pharmacy bag. “He needs to take antibiotics two times a day and cough medicine every four to six hours.”

“I already took one antibiotic. I’m going to lie down upstairs.” Ryder moaned out as he made his way toward the stairs.

“I’ll come to check on you later,” Maddy called after him.

Cody, Jace, and Maddy sat down on the couch.

“How was your day, Cody?” Maddy asked. “How’s Grant been? He hasn’t been over to dinner lately. Whenever I call him, he tells me he’s busy and out with his friends.”