Page 84 of Fought and Freed

“For being you.” She leaned her head on his shoulder.



Skylar arrived home late Thursday night.

He, Jace, and Maddy were in the living room watching a movie, but he was struggling to sit still. Tomorrow, he planned to go with Amber to a place that did DNA tests. He’d done some search and found a reputable office that he trusted.

Jace puts a hand on his bouncing leg. “Skylar, calm down.”

He forced himself to sit still. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.” Maddy chuckled. “You keep shifting around every five seconds.”

“I’m sorry, guys. I’m nervous, and my mind is all over the place. One minute, I want the baby to be mine, and the next, I don’t.” His stomach flipped at the idea of being a father. “I’m not ready to raise a child. What if I’m no good at it?”

Jace squeezed his leg. “You’ll be a great father.”

He always knew how to make Skylar’s heart melt. “Really?”

“Yes,” Jace said firmly. “Your dad was the best father. He worked a lot, but you were all he cared about when he was home. He was the best example of a father.”

“Yours wasn’t too bad, either.” Skylar covered his hand with his own. “He taught me a lot.”

Skylar’s leg started bouncing again. “But that’s another thing that’s been bothering me. I don’t want to leave Shield Construction. I have a good future there. But if it’s mine, I can’t be gone for a week and only home on weekends.”

Jace rubbed his chin. “I’ve been thinking about that, but I don’t want to say anything until I get all the facts.”

Skylar should have known that Jace would have some plan in effect, so he wouldn’t be so far away from them.

“Have you said anything to your parents or my dad?” Jace asked.

Skylar shook his head. “I don’t want to say anything until I’m sure. Why get them worked up if it’s not mine?”

“That’s fair, but I’d still tell your parents, no matter how it turns out.” Jace’s thumb rubbed his thigh. “They’ll be pissed if they find out from someone else.”

Skylar could already hear his mother yelling at him for not being responsible enough, but what Jace said was true. His mom would be so pissed if she found out from someone other than him. “I guess you’re right.”

“Let’s go to bed.” Jace stood and held out a hand to help him up. “It’s getting late.”

Skylar turned to Maddy. “Can we spend the night with you?”

“Of course.” Maddy took the hand he offered.

Hand in hand, they walked up the stairs and into Maddy’s room.

Skylar shut the door behind them and stepped up to her. “I need you both tonight. I need you to make me forget for a few hours.”

* * *

When Skylar headed out the next day to meet with Amber, he wanted nothing more than to have Jace or Maddy with him. He didn’t want to deal with Amber alone, but bringing his girlfriend and boyfriend with him would just make his ex more difficult.

Skylar let out a sigh. If this kid was his, he’d need to learn to deal with Amber.

Skylar walked up to Amber’s house to pick her up.

She answered the door with a smile, but when she made a move to hug him, he turned around and headed back to the truck.