Page 79 of Fought and Freed

Maddy turned with a smile. “Hi, Janet.”

The older woman pulled Maddy into a hug. “It’s so good to see you. I was so worried about you. Torr wouldn’t tell me what was going on.”

“She didn’t know until the end.” Maddy returned the hug before pulling back. “Is there somewhere we can talk?”

“Yeah.” Janet gestured back to the door she came out through. “Come to my office.”

She followed Janet behind the counter.

The last time she was there, the kitchen was full of students. This time, it was empty. “Where are the students? Don’t they make the food for out there?”

She laughed. “Oh my God, no. They would end up poisoning the students. We get our food from retailers. Some of the seniors run the grills, but that’s it.”

Janet opened her office door and stepped through.

Maddy followed her but stopped short. It was clean, no papers scattered about.

Janet laughed at Maddy’s expression. “Yeah, I finally got around to cleaning.” She waved at the chair by her desk. “Take a seat.”

Maddy sat and looked around. “It looks good.”

“Thanks.” Janet got comfortable behind her desk. “What happened, Maddy? I mean, if you want to tell me.”

Maddy told her all about Mike, what he’d done to her, and how she’d spent the last month in rehab.

She apologized and asked if she had done anything while on the drugs that had caused Janet problems because Maddy still didn’t remember everything, and she wasn’t sure if what she did remember was real or hallucinations.

Janet shook her head. “Everything was fine, as far as I know. I didn’t hear any complaints.”

Maddy slumped with relief.

“Are you here for your work schedule?” Janet smiled, opened a drawer, and pulled out a file.

Maddy lowered her head. She didn’t want to do this, but it would be better for her in the long run. “I’m sorry, but I won’t be working anymore. One of the good things that happened during everything else was that I found my family.”

Janet set the file down and smiled. “I’ve been hearing rumors that you’re Lucca Cardone’s sister. So, it’s true?”

“Yes, he’s my twin, believe it or not.” Maddy laughed.

“I’m so happy for you. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.” Janet leaned forward. “Since you’re not working, there are two classes you should take next semester.”

Maddy frowned since she had already picked her classes. “Which ones?”

“I have two classes next semester.” Janet straightened with a look of pride. “One is baking, and the other is Paris Confections. You’ve said you want to open a bakery. You should sign up or audit my classes.”

Excitement filled Maddy. “I’ll have to look at my schedule, but yes, that’s something I’d love to do.”

“If you want to do my courses, let me know, and I’ll get you settled.” Janet tapped the folder on the desk.

“I will.” Maddy stood. “I better get going. My boyfriend is out there waiting for me.”

“I’m glad you’re all right.” Janet stood, too, and walked her out. “And I’m a bit sad that you won’t be around, anymore.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll stop by every once in a while,” Maddy promised.

“Take care, Maddy.” Janet stopped at the door. “And let me know about those classes.”

Maddy smiled back at her. “I will.”