They both stood up. “We’re glad to get you justice.”
“Thank you.” Maddy stood to shake their hands.
She watched them leave, then turned to Ryder. “What does this mean for E.J. and Skylar?”
“I’ll let him tell you. Prepare yourself, because E.J. isn’t the only surprise.” Ryder smirked.
She wasn’t sure if she could take any more surprises. The revelation that Amber and Scott tried to kill her had left her reeling.
Ryder yelled down the stairs, “You can come up now!”
Skylar was the first up the stairs, but his arms were empty.
“Where’s E.J.?” Maddy demanded.
“Geez, I’ve already been pushed aside by my son. Don’t worry, he’s coming.” He pulled her into his arms. “I’m so sorry Amber tried to kill you, Princess. It’s my fault. She asked if I thought me and her would still be together if you weren’t around. I said I didn’t know because I was trying to be nice, but I should have said no.”
“You didn’t force her to do it, and her plan failed. I’m still here,” she reassured him. “What does this mean for E.J.?”
“I talked to my lawyer, and he filed for full custody. I figured I had a fight on my hands, but we found out early this morning.” He smiled. “The judge granted me temporary full custody until we go to trial.”
“Why would you have to go to trial if she’s going to jail?” she asked in confusion.
“There’s no telling what her sentence might be. What happens if she wants E.J. when she gets out?” Skylar shook his head. “I doubt she will, since she didn’t even look at him, but I can’t have that be a possibility.”
Maddy nodded. “You’re right.”
He turned toward the stairs. “Are you ready for a surprise?”
“I guess,” she said, not sure she had one more surprise in her.
He let her go and walked to the stairs. “Come on up!”
Cody and Jace joined them first, followed by two people she didn’t recognize. The older woman, who was holding E.J., had blue eyes like both Cody and Skylar, and the older man beside her had curly blond hair just like Skylar while being muscular like Cody.
“Maddy,” Skylar said. “I’d like to introduce—”
“Your mom and dad,” she finished for him. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”
“My parents, Jared and Giselle,” Skylar finished with a roll of his eyes.
“I wish the guys had told me you were here.” Maddy glared at the brothers. “I would have made myself more presentable.”
Cody held up his hands in self-defense. “Skylar didn’t tell us they were showing up.”
“Like I’d leave my grandson with a bunch of men who don’t even know how to change a diaper.”
“The nurses showed me how at the hospital,” Skylar protested.
“And you look fine, dear,” Giselle continued, ignoring him. “Here, take your grandson.” Giselle passed E.J. to her husband. “We’re huggers in this family, so come here, Maddy.”
Maddy walked over, and Giselle pulled her into a mom hug.
When she pulled back, Giselle shook her head in dismay at Maddy’s cast. “I’m sure you could handle the baby without me, but I wanted to come help, since you’re down a hand.”
“You’re always welcome to visit,” Maddy said, relieved to have someone in the house who’d raised children before.
Giselle smiled and turned to her husband. “Give me E.J. back, you thief.”