Amber giggled from her side of the curtain.
The sound sent a chill down Skylar’s spine, and he looked at his family. “I have a bad feeling. Something’s happened to her.”
Right then, Torr and Lucca walked in, Lucca pushing Maddy in a wheelchair.
Skylar gasped. “What happened to you?”
The curtain swished back, and Amber stared at Maddy in shock. “What…? No, it can’t be!” She pounded the bed.
Maddy cast her a suspicious glance. “I was on my way here when someone hit me. They had to put pins in my arm, but I’m fine, and I already talked to the cops.” She held out her arms, one of them baring a cast. “Now, let me see the little guy.”
Skylar stood up and walked over to Maddy. Placing E.J. in her arms, he knelt in front of her, just in case she needed help to hold him.
With tears in her eyes, she gazed at Skylar. “He looks just like you.”
Torr bent over the back of Maddy’s chair. “He’s so cute, Skylar. Do you have a name picked?”
“Ethan Jared,” he said proudly. “E.J. for short.”
Lucca came over and stood above him. “May God give you... For every storm, a rainbow, for every tear, a smile, for every care, a promise, and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh, a sweet song, and an answer for each prayer.”
Maddy stared up at her brother. “That was beautiful.”
He shrugged. “It’s just an Italian blessing.”
Skylar cleared his throat. “Thank you.”
A nurse came in. “It’s time to take E.J. for his checkup. We’ll be back shortly.”
Amber let out a relieved sigh. “Finally, I can get some peace and quiet.”
Skylar shook his head. It was like she wanted nothing to do with their son, and that was fine with him.
Cody grasped the handles on Maddy’s wheelchair. “We should get you home.”
Skylar leaned down and kissed her. “I’m glad you’re alive.”
“I’m not,” Amber interjected.
Skylar rolled his eyes and took E.J. from Maddy, passing him over to the nurse.
The nurse turned toward Amber. “Do you want to say goodbye?”
She snuggled down in the bed. “I already saw him.”
The nurse’s smile turned strained as she turned back to Skylar. “After his checkup, would you like E.J. to go to the baby room? Or be brought back here to sleep.”
“Here, please,” he said, ignoring Amber’s protest.
“A nurse will be by in a bit to go over how to change diapers and to discuss breastfeeding,” she said.
“I’m not doing that,” Amber called after her. “Get us formula.”
Skylar just shook his head and gestured for his family to follow the nurse out to the hall. “I’ll walk you guys out.”
At the elevator, he hesitated, looking back in the direction the nurse took E.J.
Maddy caught his hand. “You don’t have to walk us out. Go back to the room so you’re there when they bring E.J. back.”