Page 106 of Fought and Freed

She nodded, hopped out, then stormed up the walkway.

At the front door, she didn’t bother knocking. She just opened the door and stomped inside.

This was the first time she’d been to the football house, and it reminded her of Wings of Refuse because it was a house that they converted into a multi-living space. It didn’t smell like Wing of Refuse, though. Her nose crinkled at the smell of dirty socks and old pizza.

She scanned the living room for someone she recognized and spotted Ace. “Hey, where’s my brother?”

Ace frowned. “You don’t want to talk to him right now. He’s being a dick.”

“Where is he?” she fumed.

“Your funeral.” He hooked a thumb over his shoulder toward a set of stairs. “Second door on the left.”

She strode up the steps and pounded on the door.

“I told you guys to leave me the fuck alone,” Lucca snarled as he swung open the door, then stared in surprise. “Maddy?”

She shoved him into his room and kicked the door closed.

He grimaced. “I guess you heard that I ended it with Torr. It’s for the best, Maddy.”

“The best? You destroyed my best friend, Lucca! She now believes all that shit Trisha was always saying about her!” Maddy yelled at her brother.

“What did Trisha say about her?” he angrily bit out.

“That she’s a poor trashy scholarship student who’s not good enough to do anything but work in the cafeteria. And now Torr believes all that bullshit because she’s obviously not worthy of you.” Maddy glared as her brother turned away and walked to the window to stare outside. “Why are you doing this to her?”

He didn’t say anything.

“Tell me, Lucca!” Maddy demanded. “I thought you loved her.”

He braced both of his arms on either side of the window. “I do love her, and that’s why I’m doing this.”

Maddy shook her head. “You’re not making any sense. Talk to me, dammit.”

“The day that asshole pinned her and was going to take her, she was so upset and scared.” He shook his head. “I can’t let that happen to her again. She doesn’t belong in this world. It’s too dangerous.”

Maddy had thought it might be something along those lines, and he was an idiot.

She crossed her arms. “I guess you don’t care about me, then?”

He spun around. “Of course, I do.”

“Well, you’re not pushing me away.” Maddy gestured at herself. “If this life was so dangerous that you have to dump the best thing that ever happened to you, then maybe you should tell me to fuck off, too.”

Lucca lowered his eyes and bit his lip. “It’s too late. He already knows who you are.”

“True.” Maddy nodded. “So, maybe I should get rid of the guys, then? It would tear me up if something happened to them. Just you and me. That’s all we need.”

He scowled. “I see what you’re doing.”

“Do you?” She shook her head in disgust. “Mike already knows you love Torr. He’s not dumb. If you think breaking up with her will stop him from trying to get to her, then you’re stupid. You’re not protecting her.”

She strode forward and poked him in the chest with each word. “You’re making her a bigger target.”

He sat down on the bed that was shoved up against the wall, put his elbows on his knees, and lowered his head.

“I miss her so damn much it hurts.” He rubbed the spot over his heart. “Word is that I’ll be going first round in the draft. I have no idea where I’ll be going.”