Mav stands right beside his brother. His arms hang loosely at his sides, his hands curled in fists. Luke moves toward where Cam is being held back. I know Nick’s here somewhere, but I can’t find him. I’m not taking my eyes off this asshole again.
“Back away, Knight. This has nothing to do with you,” Evan growls out, blood still pouring down his face. Someone hands him a shirt, and he shoves it against his nose.
“It has everything to do with me,” Dom barks out.
“If it has nothing to do with us, then why is Myers holding Cam back?” Luke asks calmly.
Evan steps forward to stand chest to chest with Dom. “She called my mom a slut.”
“You called her a slut first, asshole,” Cam growls, fighting Myers’ hold.
“Okay, let’s take a step back here and calm down. I think things got out of control.” Aiden holds up his hand. He knows he’s in trouble.
“A little too late, don’t you think?” I grumble, tugging my hair over my bruising cheek.
If the guys get a look at it, there will be no stopping them.
“We’re sorry.” Aiden backs up, giving the guy who holds Cam a quick nod, and Myers lets him go. “We were just having fun. It got out of hand.” He pushes Evan towards the locker room. “We’ll see you on the field.”
I turn to the side and find Paige standing there. “When the hell did you get here?”
She giggles. “Just now. It looks like I missed all the fun, again.” She tilts her head to the side. “Did someone hit you?”
Damn. Luke grabs my chin and moves it so he can see my left cheek. “Did that fucker hit you?” His deep voice wavers.
“I didn’t just punch him in the nose for the hell of it,” I grumble.
“That asshole is dead,” Dom growls, turning toward the locker room.
I jump in front of him and place my hand on his chest. “Hey, Grizzly. I already took care of him. I think I busted his nose. You promised to let me handle—”
“Girls, Shelby, not guys! He could have hurt you!” he interrupts, his pure black eyes staring me down.
“I’ve trained for years to handle these kinds of incidents, trust me. But hell, feel free to hit them as hard as you can on the field. Okay, Grizzly?” I pat his chest, where his heart thunders under my hand. He’s going to pound some wolf ass.
Luke nods his agreement. “She’s right, let’s go kick their asses on the field.”
“I told you before that I don’t need help. I can take care of myself.” I stand on my tiptoe and kiss Dom. “But thanks for caring.”
“We’ll always care. You’re part of the family, now. You’re stuck with us, no returns!” Mav laughs as he jogs away.
Dom turns and follows the other guys, shaking his head.
Oh, this game is going to be interesting. I wouldn’t want to be on the other team.
Cam, Paige, and I pay for our tickets and head into the stadium.
Bleachers sit on both sides of the field. The grass on the ground looks brand new, and the scoreboard looks like something from a professional football stadium. There’s no doubt this school has some money. In the center of the field, painted in white, is the image of a giant Knight thrusting his sword out, the same as the one on the shirt I wear.
“Would you girls like anything to eat or drink?” Cam asks.
“I’d love a Dr. Pepper, if possible,” I say.
A girl walks past me with a pretzel. Ooh, that smells good.
“And a pretzel, please,” I add.
“A cola, please,” Paige says.