I pull out my phone and see some missed texts.
Nick: That’s bullshit that Ms. Webb suspended you for two days!
Mav: I miss you already.
Paige: You know who did it?
Me: Barbie Squad, of course, just don’t know exactly who.
Dom: We will find out for you.
Me: Won’t matter, Miss Webb has it out for me. Do you think she’d listen if we told her it’s one of her precious girls?
Luke: She’s right. It’s not fair, but she’s right.
Me: I’m just going to have to take the suspension and get back at them another way.
Nick: Shelby, you must fight this if you’re planning on going to college. If you don’t, it will be in your file. No college wants a cheater. Do you know whose paper you supposedly copied?
Me: I don’t know if I’m going to college, and she didn’t say who the paper initially belonged to.
I get out of the group chat and text Nick directly.
Me: FYI, I told your dad that I found out that Hannah has been having Paige do her homework. Your dad said he’s going to talk to her.
Nick: I’m glad you did. I plan on talking to him.
Me: Can you get my homework for me?
Nick: Sure.
A tap at my window makes me jump around to find Cam standing outside.
I walk over and open the window, then take the screen out. “What are you doing, Cam? Shouldn’t you be at school?”
He crawls inside before putting the screen back in my window. “I wanted to check on you.”
“You could have texted me like the others did.” When I take a closer look at my joker, I notice something’s wrong. He’s not acting like his usual, jovial self. His ordinarily sparkling blue eyes seem dull.
He takes a step toward me. “Okay, fine, I needed to see you and maybe take a nap together?”
“My mom’s in the house, Cam.”
“I didn’t say have sex.” He rubs his chin. “Though, I wouldn’t be against it if you can be quiet.”
Wagging his eyebrows, he kicks off his shoes and jumps on my bed. He puts his arms out wide, sighing. “This is comfortable.”
Shaking my head, I walk to my door and lock it, then lie on the bed facing him. He slips an arm under my head and curls it, so I halfway roll onto him. Every time I get near him, a feeling takes hold of me, one I’m not used to.
“Do the guys know you’re here?” I ask, shifting myself so I can peer up at his face.
“Cam, what’s wrong?” I place my hand on the side of his face. “You seem off.”
He huffs out. “I just got word that my dad won’t be coming home as he promised.” He ran his hand through my hair. “It’s been a year since I saw him.”
“What the hell does your dad do that he hasn’t been home for a year?”