Page 63 of Drifting

“You know I have a cousin, Cindy. Cin, for short.” He nods. “She’s the one I ran away with. Her dad got remarried to Brenda. Her stepmom’s a witch, to put it nicely. But, like I said before, that’s her story to tell.”

I take a couple of bites of food.

Nick sits quietly, waiting for me to continue.

“When Cin and I lived together, I street raced to make the rent. I’m good, damn good.” I smile, remembering the anticipation, waiting for the flag to drop. The thumping of my heart when racing down the street.

“I was sick the night I wrecked. Cin begged me not to race. She said she had a bad feeling, and I should have listened to her. But I was too stubborn and had to race. Halfway through, no one knows why, the other racer crossed over the line and pitted me. I flipped. My car had the best harness and roll cage, but I still ended up hurt.”

I take a bite of chicken and swallow. “Children’s Services picked Cin up at the hospital. I’ve been trying to get ahold of her since then, but our phone was shut off. Patty even tried to talk to her brother, Brett, but I guess Brenda has her claws too far into him. He wouldn’t give us any information. I don’t know what made me think of the old landline they had when I got home from school, but I called that number. Cin answered, but I couldn’t talk to her long because her stepmother found her. Things escalated, and Brenda hung up on me. Patty had your father get his lawyer to investigate Cin’s case to see if there’s anything they can do to get her out. Of course, the law can’t do shit.”

I know Cin is going through hell in that house. It’s killing me that while I’m living here in the lap of luxury, she’s playing Cinderella. I put the food to the side and swing my leg over to the floor.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do, Nick. I’m worried about Cin. I know Brenda slapped her, and I swear, when she did, I heard a large crashing sound after. Cin was sitting on the steps down to the basement, and I think she fell down the steps when Brenda hit her. It’s all my fault she’s back with her family. If I had just listened to her and not raced, we would still be in our one-bedroom apartment. The only thing I can think of is to run away again, but I promised Patty I’d stay until I’m eighteen. Plus, it’s nice not having to look over my shoulder all the time.” I sniffle. “But, it’s looking more and more like I might have to leave.”

Nick stands and walks over to sit beside me, pulling me into a side hug. “Listen, it wasn’t your fault. You were doing what you felt was right the night of your accident. There are always loopholes in the law. Give me a few days to do some research before you do anything,” he says, begging me to give him a chance.

I turn to look into his mocha-colored eyes. I’m not sure what else Nick can find that the lawyer couldn’t, but what else can I do?

I pick at my thumbnail. “I’ll give you a week, then I have to make up my mind.”

Nick stands. “Good, I’m glad. I have some research to get to. She’s not your only family, anymore.”

He kisses my cheek before jogging out my door, shutting it behind him. I’ve never seen someone get so excited about research.

Hang on, Cin. I’m doing everything I can.

* * *

Nick picks up my new books for me first thing the next morning, and I spend half the day copying down new notes thanks to the Barbie Squad.

When the guys text me about going out that night, I tell them I have too much homework. My favorite teacher with a stick up his ass assigned us a four-page report on any poet from the eighteen-hundreds, with a due date of Monday.

I also tell them that I’m not in a good mood.

Of course, Mav and Cam each text back that they have a way to make me happy.

I contemplate it for a few minutes before I tell them maybe another time.

I don’t see Patty for the rest of the weekend. She and Peter left early on Saturday morning for some dinner party he needed to attend, and they spend the rest of the weekend in town.

On Monday, when I step into the foyer of the school, it has a sense of calm to it, but I have a feeling it’s the calm before the storm. I report to the office, where I receive a new locker assignment that just so happens to be closer to the guys.

At lunch, I sit down beside Paige.

“Not eating today?” Paige asks, taking a bite of the sandwich she brought from home.

I play with the rings on my fingers. “No, not hungry.”

“You don’t seem yourself. Are you all right? Did the Barbie Squad do something?”

I shake my head. “Not the Barbie Squad.”

I tell her about Cin and the phone call we had on Friday.

“That sucks. I wish there was something you could do. If there’s a loophole, I’m sure Nick will find it. If you want to go up there to spy, I have a car, and I’ll help out any way I can.” Her shoulder bumps mine. “Don’t you get your cast and splint off tomorrow? That should cheer you up a little.”

I smile. “Yeah, I’ll be glad to get this damn thing off. I miss my bike. Maybe I can get one of the guys to drive me to Westridge to pick it up.”