Page 117 of Drifting

I jump into his arms. “Billy!”

“Um, Trouble?” He gently puts me down. “Who are the two beasts on the porch who are throwing daggers at us?”

I turn around to find both Dom and Mav side-by-side with their arms crossed, glaring at my crew. Oops.

“Is one of them your boyfriend?” Billy whispers in my ear.

“Both.” I scratch the side of my head. “Plus two more.”

Their eyes widen. “No, shit. You go from not dating anyone to dating four guys? That’s my girl.” Mark strolls out from behind the truck and hugs me. “They’re hot. Too bad they’re yours.”

Mark must have already broken up with the guy who was at our last barbecue. He goes through both guys and girls like he changes his underwear.

“Let me down, you jerk! I can walk just fine.” Cin grumbles from the porch, where Nick carries her in his arms.

“Is that another one?” Mark asks.

I grin. “No, he may be Cin’s, though. He’s my stepbrother.”

“Wow, a lot has changed,” Billy says, his tone abrasive.

As our crew strides over to greet Cin, I wave my guys down.

When they reach me, Dom moves me in between him and Mav. They haven’t taken their eyes off Ricky, Billy, or Mark. When are they going to learn, I’m not interested in anyone but my four guys?

“Dom, Mav, this is Ricky, Billy, and Mark.” I point to each of them. “Guys, these are my boyfriends, Mav and Dom Knight.”

I get a kick out of watching the different reactions people have when I tell them Mav and Dom’s last name. Mark’s mouth falls open, his eyes bouncing between the twins, Ricky eyes them cautiously, and Billy scrubs his face and swears.

As Ricky and Billy shake their hands, I close Mark’s mouth and whisper in his ears, “They’re mine.”

He peers down at me. “Are you sure?”

“Yep.” I move to stand beside Nick. “And this is my stepbrother, Nick Tate.”

“Nice to meet you,” Nick says politely, but he keeps glancing at Billy’s hand on Cin’s hip.

“So, what brings you here?” Dom asks.

Ricky points at the trailer. “We brought gifts for the girls.”

Mav’s eyebrow cocks up. “Oh yeah?” He surveys the trailer. “All I see is scrap metal.”

Cin walks over and smacks Mav’s arm.

He flinches. “Why do I always get smacked?”

“That scrap metal, as you called it, is the best racing car ever, Little Devil. Or what’s left of her. That’s mine and Shelby’s baby. We built her.”

I wrap my arm around her as we go to inspect the damage. There’s not much left of Little Devil. Most of her outer shell is gone. “Do you think you can get the roll cage out?”

“That’s what I’m hoping for.” The corners of her mouth pinch. “I don’t know what else we can salvage.”

“Wait, I know that car.” Dom steps closer to the car, turns sharply, and glares at me, pointing at the car. “You drove this?”

“Yep, since I was fifteen.” A smile breaks over my lips. “I’m told I raced you once.”

He runs his hand through his hair. “Holy shit, you were good.”