I go into a detailed explanation what happened, starting with how Mav and Dom came up with a plan and how we drove to Uncle Brett’s, then everything that followed.
Cam asks if Cin’s okay, and I explain how we took her to the hospital and how she spent the last two nights there.
“If you have plans with other people and you need to leave, you should call to let them know,” Luke snaps.
I cringe at his tone and apologize again, but he just keeps going.
I stand and start pacing. I know I screwed up. I made a massive mistake and feel awful for taking off.
“I’m sorry, Luke,” I say for the dozenth time. “I’m not used to having people I need to check in with.”
Cam murmurs, “It’s okay. Family first.”
Luke completely ignores me and keeps yelling.
This is pointless. I’m here, and there’s nothing I can do to change it.
“Are you coming home tonight?” Cam asks over the top of Luke’s ranting.
“Sometime tomorrow,” I tell him.
That doesn’t go over well. They feel left out of something big.
I get it, but they need to get over it. “Guys, I’m sorry. I promise, next time I’ll let you know. Nothing you say now can change what’s already happened, so I’m hanging up. I’ll talk to you when I get home.”
Without waiting for a response, I hang up and grip the railing.
“I take it they weren’t too happy?” Dom asks.
I turn, resting my butt on the railing. “No, they’re pissed because they feel left out, and I’ve been gone for two days. Blah, blah.”
Dom shoves his hands into his pockets. “I’d be the same way if you went with them and left me behind.”
Throwing my hands up, I huff, “I understand, I do, but I’ve been taking care of myself for years, and yelling at me won’t change a damn thing.”
“I’m not saying Luke’s right, but there’s stuff in his past that makes him freak out when people he cares about just ups and disappears on him.”
I rub the bridge of my nose. “Now, I feel bad.”
“Don’t. When we get home, talk to him. He’ll be fine. Let’s go in. I got a bath already for you.”
I walk back into the room and notice that Mav’s gone.
“He went over to watch some TV with Nick.”
Turning, I slip my hands under Dom’s shirt, running them up his hard chest. “Are you going to join me in the tub?” I rise onto my tiptoes and kiss him.
When we break apart, we’re both breathless.
“I hoped you’d ask,” he growls.
Undressing, we step into the steaming bathroom.
Dom climbs into the tub first, and I lie between his legs. I think this is one of the things I like most about Dom. He doesn’t need to talk. He lets the silence and his actions speak for him.
We stay in the tub, just enjoying each other, until the water becomes way too cool. Then, we get out, and he dries me off before he picks me up and carries me to bed, laying me down in the center.