“Don’t worry, I’m just doing a little matchmaking.” He wiggles his eyebrows, then turns back as Sam stops next to our table. “Sam, I want you to meet my friend here, Paige. And this is Shelby.”
Paige wraps her arms around her body.
Sam sits next to her, red tingeing his cheeks. “Cam, dude, I know Paige. I’m in most of her classes.” Leaning over to look at me, he smirks. "Saw your handiwork there, slugger.”
I lift my chin. “Yeah, well, he deserved it and more.”
Nick points to the booth. “Can I sit down now, Cam?”
He waves his hand and snickers. “I don’t care where you sit.”
The door opens, and the twins stroll in with a large group following them.
“And here’s the star of the football game. Please, hold all autographs until after dinner. Thank you,” Mav says, bowing as he struts down the aisle.
I shake my head. “God, I don’t know who’s worse, you or Cam.”
They both say each other’s names at the same time.
Everyone at the table laughs, except Dom.
Mav’s eyes narrow on Cam’s arm around me, then moves to Luke, who leans in, telling me something. He scowls as he takes a seat beside Sam, while Dom slides in beside Nick on the other side. It’s a tight squeeze, but we all fit. The rest of the football team sits in the surrounding seats.
Paige and I get dirty glares when the girls show up. I’m not too shocked to see Maddie and Carrie with them. At least I know Hannah won’t be here. Then, the door swings open, proving me wrong as Hannah strolls down the aisle, stumbling a little as she goes.
“Thanks for waiting,” she says to her friends.
Nick leans on the table. “Hannah, what are you doing here? Did Dad let you come?”
She stumbles closer to our table. “No, traitor, I snuck out when he went to your game. He finally goes to a game, and I can’t cheer, thanks to mega-slut.”
Nick stares at his sister.
“And don’t you dare tell Dad,” she says before she turns to join her friends.
“I won’t lie for you, Hannah,” Nick says
“Of course, you won’t, traitor,” she seethes, taking a seat.
“She’s been drinking.” Dom wrinkles his nose. “I can smell it on her.”
“What are you going to do?” I ask Nick.
“What can I do?” Frustration tightens his lips. “I won’t lie to Dad if he calls me, which I’m sure he will.”
The server comes over and asks if we’re ready to order. We say yes, and after she takes our orders, Mav does a double-take at Paige and Sam sitting together.
“Are you two dating?” he asks.
Paige’s cheeks turn scarlet red, and she buries her head in her hands.
“Dude,” Sam says.
“I’m trying to help you. Us bros have to stick together,” Mav says. “Plus, you know I have smooth moves.” His eyes move over to a redhead in the booth diagonal from ours, and he gives her a wink.
She giggles in response.
My head jerks back. He’s a flirt, which I know this, but to blatantly do it in front of me is just wrong. It doesn’t have the same feel as Cam’s flirting with Paige. I know he’s not serious there, but Mav looks like he’s serious.