Page 58 of Drifting

“Right. You didn’t know there’s trash in my locker,” I steam.

She smiles evilly. “It seemed like a good place to put it since you’re garbage.”

“Not going to work. I’m still here.” Standing, I lean toward Luke and kiss him on the cheek. “See you later.”

Before I leave, I smile at Hannah. Her face turns red, and her hands ball into fists.

Mood improved, I smile the whole way to my next class.

“The guys have been texting you,” Nick says as I sit beside him in Chemistry. “Luke says you didn’t make it to your last class. What happened?”

“Your sister and her friends put trash in my locker, so I needed to go to the office.”

“Seriously?” He sighs, shaking his head. “How much got ruined?”

“My Geometry, Economic, and English books. And all my notes were in there.” Slowly, I bang my head on the desk. “I guess I know what I’ll be doing all weekend.”

I stop feeling sorry for myself and text the guys about what happened. One blessing is that I still have all my notes for this class. They were safe in my backpack.

* * *

At lunch time, I’m not too surprised when Luke and I arrive at the cafeteria to find the guys there, waiting for us just outside the doors.

I smile sadly. “Hey.”

“You okay?” Cam pulls me into his arms and kisses my head.

“Yeah, just going to be busy this weekend,” I huff.

“What class do you need notes for?” Luke questions.

“Geometry, Economics, and English.”

“We got you, babe.” Mav put his arm around me. “You going to have lunch with us?”

“No, I need to find out what’s going on with Paige.”

“We can sit with Paige and you,” Dom says.

“Um, we need to gently work with Paige,” I hedge. “She’s scared of you guys.”

“We’ll work on her.” Cam backs up and spreads his arms out. “Who can resist loving us?”

“On that note, I’m leaving. See you later.” I wave as I walk into the cafeteria.

“I’ll miss you, my dirty, little banana,” Mav calls out.

I grab a quick salad for lunch and sit down beside Paige. She’s so busy writing, she doesn’t even glance up.

I dig my fork into my salad. “Is that your homework?”

I know damn well it’s not, but I need her to say it.

Her brown head moved a little from side to side. Why did she go back to doing Carrie’s homework? This needs to stop, now.

I put my hand on top of the book. “Paige, stop. You’re not her slave.”

She stops but won’t look at me. “I know, but look at what they’re doing to you.” Finally, her sad, brown eyes peer at me. “If you can’t protect yourself, how are you going to protect me?”