Page 51 of Drifting

The minute my foot hits the floor the next morning, a sense of unease washes over me.

My stomach feels sick, so I skip breakfast and take a bottle of water as I sit and wait for Nick to get ready.

On the way to school, we don’t talk. Instead, I stare out the side window, unable to focus on anything.

Nick glances my way a few times but stays quiet.

When he drops me off at the front again, I climb out and say, “I’ll see you in Chemistry.”

As I limp up the stairs into the main area, they’re a lot more people milling around, and most are staring at me and snickering.

Great, what did Hannah say about me now?

Stopping to adjust my backpack, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up just before a hand on my back shoves me forward. I fall to my knees, pain radiating through my leg.

I suck in a deep breath.

“Watch where you’re going, whore,” says a high, agitated voice.

I shift from my knees to my hip, flipping my hair out of my face to glare at whoever pushed me.

Okay, it’s not Hannah, but she’s right beside her, along with the rest of the Barbie Squad.

I turn my attention to the person who shoved me, a petite, girl with a heart-shaped face, blue eyes, and blonde hair in a ponytail who stands over me with a smirk. The aura about her says everyone should bow down and kiss her feet. This must be Carrie.

Well, she needs to learn quickly that I don’t bow to anyone.

I rise onto my good knee, taking a second to figure out how I can stand without help.

Carrie puts her foot on my bad leg, right above where my boot ends, making me fall on my side again.

Stifling my cry of pain, I bite down on my lip so hard that my teeth break through the skin and copper fills my mouth.

“You need to learn your place, bitch. I heard you told Paige to stop doing my homework. Well, that doesn’t work for me. Let’s get this straight. I run this school, and I won’t let a little nobody come in here and try to take over. Oh, and if I find you within a mile of my boyfriend, or any of his friends, I’ll make you wish you never moved here. And stay away from Paige. She’s my slave.” As she talks, she pushes down on my leg.

If she breaks it, I’ll break her. The only reason I’m not bringing this bitch to her knees by kicking her leg out from under her is that I’m afraid doing it from this position will hurt me more.

One of the girls whispers something into my tormentor’s ear, and Carrie pushes her heel down hard on my leg.

This time, I can’t hold back and scream in pain.

Carrie smiles as she backs off. “Remember what I said!”

Breathing through the pain, gripping my leg, I fall on my side in the fetal position.

The crowd parts like the sea, making way for the twins and Luke, followed by Cam. I lie on the ground, clutching my leg and biting my lip to stop myself from crying. Carrie wants to show everyone that I’m weaker than her, but I won’t allow it. I’ve been through too much in my life to let a high school bitch bring me down.

When Dom sees me on the ground, he breaks from the crowd. His jaw clenches, and he glares around, searching for who put me there, not realizing she stands right behind him. “Shelby? What happened?”

When he puts his hand out to help me up, my tormentor takes it and pulls him toward her. “Hey, baby, I’m back. Did you miss me?”

As Carrie wraps her arm around his neck and pulls him down for a kiss, he gently peels her off him.

I scream yes in my head. He’s going to snub her and help me.

“Carrie, ummm…” He peers down at me before she blocks his view.

“What’s wrong, baby?” she coos. “Let’s go over here and talk. I missed you.” She tugs him away.